Ban 1010/boba/supnub

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  • #12037

      Your Warcraft III username: Stinkypez
      Violator’s Warcraft III username: 1010/boba/supnub
      Violated Rule(s): Refuse captain orders, flaming entire game
      Time of Violation (in-game or replay): beginning of game, flaming throughout.
      Additional Information: Assigned supnub as support, which I didnt mind. I felt our team comp was perfectly capable of handling enemy team players. Supnub always asks to not have to carry games so I thought i’d give him the opportunity. I drafted a Skeleton king carry, but 1010 had other plans. Took hero, bought items intending to farm, and tried to farm. I assigned supnub to Venge, 1010 to razor (to carry), and boba to SK. Boba insisted he doesnt know any of the heroes and said he’d VS.

      All players besides born refused assignments, and ruined the entire game. Ended up losing the game as a result.


        Pez did the entire draft without consulting his team at all, which is his right as captain I guess. Then he basically assigns everyone the hero that they do not want to play, which is again fine. But then pez decides that its going to be a razor hc and a leo support vs ck. So we had a draft which nobody on team was consulted about, deliberately assigned heroes which no one wanted to play, and worst of all game ruining by doing razor hc leo sup.

        At this point I decided to pick leo and try to carry pez despite his three attempts to throw the game. I also offered to razor in rmk because I had already bought items for leo (quelling, stout). Once fantom denied rmk, I refused to sell quelling stout and swap into razor. In any case, pez got the tri lane top which he wanted and it failed miserably.

        He then continues to throw the entire game with necro, going dumb fuck items and playing like an absolute lackluster cuck. And now he is trying to get three people banned on his team. Basically trying to bend the rules of FBG to the absolute limit without outright breaking them. Should be banned imho.


          and not to mention that the game was won if pez didnt throw


            All I hear is, “Pez did everything within his discretion as captain, but I didn’t like it, so ban him”
            I hear admins say all the time, “if you don’t like the draft or assignment, then perhaps you should captain!”
            Well thats exactly what I did, yet still got banned for it. I had a strategy in mind that my team didn’t like, but nowhere in the rules does it say they have to fucking like it. I play drafts/strategies all the time that I don’t like. Doesn’t mean I disobey the orders given. If it fails miserably, I voice my opinions afterwards. Sometimes not in the best of way, but I recognize that as a flaw.
            If they want to run their own strategy, then they can captain. Otherwise, enough with the bitching.
            I assigned supnub to support cause he always rages on my team. I didn’t want him on a core for that reason. Wasn’t a decision based on pettiness; was just based on historical games i’ve played with him. Just prior to the game in the game lobby, he already started bitching for being on my team. The animosity didn’t start with me.

            Born and 1010 always try in their games regardless, and thus they were worth assigning to core. 1010 just didn’t agree with the hardcarry hero selection, but thats irrelevant.
            Admins believe my drafting and assignments were out of pettiness, but they weren’t.
            Fucking crybabies didn’t even give the draft an opportunity and even though they broke ACTUAL rules, pez got dumpstered on because admins believe player relationship history had somethign to do with my decisionmaking. Apparently my ban was based on chatlog, but nowhere in the chatlog can they prove rules were broken. I’d have no issue admitting to pettiness.
            Admins have now set a precedence that allies can go against captain orders.
            All this decision confirmed to me was that the admins are biased and believe I’m incapable of playing a game without being petty. Boy who cried wolf. I get it, I’m a fuckin dickhead sometimes, but that doesn’t mean I’m incapable of trying to play and win a normal game.
            My ban was based on nothing but assumptions on what was going on in my head that game, and logic/evidence thrown out the door.
            it’s unfortunate how biased the league has become. Skeleton king and Venge used to be an actual support duo back in the day, and its good. Nothing wrong with changing up the meta and trying new things. In fact, Berna ran an SK support one time and it worked great. Wheres her ban?
            Additionally, I believe lower tiered players are considered “throw aways”, and are directed to play whatever hero they might not want to or feel comfortable on, but that’s never brought up. The minute I tell a tier 2 player he’s playing support, its frowned upon as if they’re favored more-so in the community.
            There are many games where higher tier players don’t even say a word, and just draft to their hearts content. Only to find out people can’t play their heroes. Wheres their ban?
            The game could have been won and the animosity avoided if people just gave an opportunity.

            I’m clearly not welcoemd in the community because not even level-headed admins can approach the game without some level of neutrality.

            Time to join Rossi’s league.


              You quit the server before I could even formulate a response to try and work things out with you after our most recent message so I couldn’t message back. Your wall of text can try and justify all you want, behavior is relative. You were banned for a combination of factors which I explained to you before. By your same logic 1010 should be banned for not playing razor, yet you don’t care and once again and single out supnub.

              For the record, all players other than Born received warnings for their behavior, as this was the first such instance of this kind of mass refusal. Supnub also received a matching ban for his behavior as it was the worst of the three. Your ban was 24 hours, and was open to appeal and could have been done in any manner, but instead chose to spend all this time doing this. If you feel unhappy with the community I don’t know what to tell you. But the list of players you seem to have issues or grudges with grows by the day, and if thats the case perhaps its not the community that’s at fault and you need to look inward. Blame the players, the admins, whatever makes you feel better. The situation was shit to begin with, and a bit of common sense goes a long way. We all volunteer our time and energy here to keep things moving and your ban would have been done already. Accusing us of ‘bias’ is a pathetic and low blow I don’t care to deal with.

              Closed and processing.

              • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Fantom.

                Supnub was banned for toxicity/refusal to follow captain orders, 1010 was warned for flaming/refusal to follow cap orders, boba was warned for flaming/toxicity in game then later banned for what he said in dms afterwards to you. You were banned for what we observed as being the root cause of the entire situation which was you seemingly drafting/assigning for your own amusement. We put a decent amount of time into how exactly to handle it and did so with as much neutrality as we can manage; which you are allowed to disagree with and argue your own side of things, but left before things could be discussed rationally. Maybe you are being 100% honest with us and yourself and we made a mistake, but it was just a 24 hour ban. If that is too much to handle then do what is best for you and good luck and have fun. Request approved.


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