banrequest Pudgey

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  • #22006

      Your Warcraft III username: Theswing90
      Violator’s Warcraft III username: Pudgey
      Violated Rule(s): early end
      Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
      Additional Information:
      So we had a game with a dc, instantly when dc happened pudgey ended and signed, i was muted on discord so /w alan to remove my mute so i could sign, but he dident. noone else signed. we agreed in-game to draw. and then when i checked there was still spots left, since Pudgey ended early.

      I got banned for this 2 days ago, Hjorten agreed with me it was a early end even tho everyone called my a lier, timestamps also shows it was a early end. But Alan wanted hes friends to play a game without me so he dident wanna warn and swap out the early end since i rolled highest.

      • This topic was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Dorimu.
      • This topic was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Dorimu.

        btw people changed their story about the early end with Hjorten said i was correct.
        Alan even changed it to “we probobly sat in the game longer than we needed and pudgey left right away after we decided draw, witch is not true, just a chance to protect hes friends.


          I went back and read all discord messages as well.
          Firstly swing, next time post screenshots of discord as well when the report involves what happened on discord. Not just random quotes that you remember such as ““we probably sat in the game longer than we needed and pudgey left right away after we decided draw” which is an utter lie as that isn’t what alan said at all. Stop changing what people say.

          “What i understand from everyone, is that game was ended after draw was called. Wich is ok.
          If they stay in lobby and spend 1 more minute to debate the draw call, its another story.
          Ending after draw was called is correct.”

          That is what alan said. You have to stop twisting peoples words to fit your narrative Swing. This whole victim card got old a few months ago. You just got back from work and just had a week long ban not too long ago. Stop causing unnecessary Drama as it will not end well. I’ve spoken to you before about how to handle these things. Tag an admin once with the issue if it happens live. Take Screenshots if an admin is not present then make either a forum brq, or if forum is not available, make a request and send it to an admin in dms that you know, and they will look into it when they get the chance. I’ll unmute you on discord now.

          Now onto what I saw in discord chats.
          • Regarding the obs kick I saw. Krocis kicked all OBS from that game which included you, which is allowed. Game was fbg ltd43. Can go look it up and see no other observers.
          • In game, Draw was called. Pudgey was still in-game by the time the replay you submitted ended.
          • Majority of the players said it wasn’t early end, Hjorten did say “”im pretty sure we hadnt decided if it was draw or not before he ended, but its really no matter”. So it is that and you vs other 2 saying not early end. So therefore we cannot really say.
          • At the end, a swap ended up happening for Ryuk. Maloymnik got swapped in as he rolled the highest of 97 as opposed to your 91.

          And let me finish this by saying, your situation was different. You left AND ended a game where the decision was SELL not DRAW. SELL is when a team sells their towers and then waits for king to die. Like a normal game basically. DRAW means that no king needs to die and game is drawn. SO therefore can leave when the call is made that it’ll be a draw. Klitt even left first that game. Your warn was because yours was a sell game and you left/ended early. This coupled that it is the 2nd instance this. Therefore ban was 2hours, although you act like the ban was for a day or two.

          In the end, if you have to stop comparing apples to oranges. Also stop twisting peoples words to fit you’re own narratives.


            oh yeah,



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