VOLX Guide How To Juggernaut

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      Roles: Core/Carry
      Strengths: Heal/Push, AOE spell DMG/Magic Immunity, Ult scaling with DMG

      My Starting Build

      Tango, Iron Branch x2, Circlet of Nobility, Stout Shield

      Tango gives you heal and tree cutting, which you can use to juke or connect creep pulls or get to neutrals faster. It’s perfect for the laning stage.

      Iron Branches and Circlet
      are used for Magic Wand, which you can finish at the side shop for a better laning phase vs heroes, which cast a lot of spells, such as supports. Juggernaut can use this item well to have enough mana for spin, heal and his ultimate, because his mana pool only allows him to ult and spin at level 6 and this barely with full mana.

      Stout Shield is great for the laning stage, sometimes you have to lure creeps and this protects you from getting raped by creep auto attacks.

      Item Progression

      I recommend rushing Ring of Aquila, it’s an OP item, which was removed from DOTA 2 for a while. You can push with the aura, sustain mana for you and your allies and get good stats, all which help Juggernaut. First make the Wraith Band, it gives Juggernaut good stats.

      Next get Bracer. Then make it into Jango’s Drums of Endurance optional. It’s a lot of gold, but it can help the team at pushing/engaging/disenganing/chasing.

      Afterwards farm a Radiance.
      It gives you 60 autoattack damage, which scales with your ultimate. Also it gives you AOE magic damage, which addss to your spin. It’s useful for dealing damage from the shadows and trees, as well as it increases your creep clearing/farming speed, since it brings nearby neutrals or unoccupied lane creeps to you.

      Finally finish the build with a Yasha into Manta Style. It makes you walk faster through the map, split push, scout and increases your damage by a lot. It boosts Jug’s low mana pool, too.

      Optional end items are Dagger, Skadi, Ethereal Blade for this build.
      Dagger helps Juggernaut catch the backline or mostly anyone on the map.
      Skadi increases jugs low HP and Mana pool more to a more tanky level, where some heroes like axe or lion can’t burst him so easily anymore.
      Ethereal Blade is the next best item to synergyze with Jug’s spin and Radiance.

      Skill Build
      1. Spin
      2. crit/stats
      3. spin
      4. stats/healing ward/crit
      5. spin
      6. ult
      7. spin
      8-10. stats/ward
      11. ult
      12-15. stats/ward
      16. ult
      17-25. Max ward, stats and lastly crit

      Stats help Juggernaut survive and have enough mana to cast spells.

      Varation on lvl 1 is crit, if you are in an 1v1 matchup vs ember for example or other melee heroes and want to out trade him in a pure right click battle.

      This build is healing ward heavy. Another crit build can be used for right click builds, which are not what this guide is about.

      Explanation Playstyle
      With this build Juggernaut is cooldown dependent. When Spin/ward/ults are up, you can fight very well. If they are on cooldown you can roam the jungle and get big while your spells are coming off cooldown again.
      The build is also dependent on Manta, Dagger, Ethereal Blade cooldown.
      Dagger into E-Blade into spin can be easy pickoffs.
      Manta Style is used to purge silences or roots or other kind of debuffs, but especially silence, because Jug can be raped hard and fast during silences.

      Axe can rape juggernaut with a blademail and blink call easily.
      Heroes with invis, blink, astral are annoying. Lothar’s, Euls, OD, SD are all annoying.
      Heroes who CC or silence Jug are a problem, Jug can be burst down quickly during ccs and silence. Example: Lion, Lina, Rhasta, Silencer.
      Morphling copies Jug with Radiance and can’t be easily killed with this build, since he can waveform out of Jug ult or man up and right click Jug down.

      This hero loves fighting and pushing in all stages of the game. He does great vs trilanes, he can mid and also solo offlane. There is a meme about Juggernaut, it asks you to guess which meta/patch it is and shows you that Juggernaut is in the game. It’s funny, because Juggernaut has been present in pretty much every meta and patch in dota. 🙂

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