ban antbug

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  • #22121

      Your Warcraft III username: Shadow
      Violator’s Warcraft III username: antbug
      Violated Rule(s): Griefing/Refusal to defend/Rage quit
      Time of Violation (in-game or replay): All game.
      Additional Information: He wanted to forfeit since early in the game when his lane did not go well. After the laning phase he went off solo and farmed all game while enemy raxed as 5. All 4 of our team members defended without him the entire time. Eventually he rage quits before throne falls and we hold off for another 2 minutes. I dont care for a ban. Please warn him at least. I do not think the game was winnable if he had came anyways but that was very poor behavior.


        Your Warcraft III username: Redhawk
        Violator’s Warcraft III username: Antbug
        Violated Rule(s): Griefing/Refusal to defend/Rage quit
        Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Grief/Refuse to defend/Just afk farm and blame team.
        Additional Information: Since the start when trilane got owned, he wanted to gg and then just afk farmed in woods and top lane. After rosh, enemy team push bot lane and our hc, antbug, didn’t even tp to defend base.

        I was fine if team wanted to gg out at 15min mark but then made some plays and got a few kills back but he had already given up and didn’t want to play.

        I literally got banned 48hours for not defending a tower.

        Replay attached.


          Timestamps –

          21:40 – enemy team get aegis and kill t2 undefended. They proceed to rax at 22:10 and our heavy carry doesn’t tp at all. We lose rax and fight.

          24:00 – enemy team get our mid t2 undefended and they engage us in our base, still no tp, afk farming in enemy woods.

          25:00- they get mid rax, our hc never tped to base.


            Given the recent situation with the two of you and in the spirit of second chances and given that Ant rarely does what he did in this game I am going to issue a warning for toxic behavior and low effort with the next issue being a ban. Request approved.


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