Ban bash

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  • #19200

      Your Warcraft III username: Matt
      Violator’s Warcraft III username: Bash
      Violated Rule(s): Griefing
      Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Most of game. AFK’s at tower lvl 1 to go play poker after goign 0-2 to ursa before 5 mins.
      Additional Information: Bash has been griefing in a lot of games lately, but this one was a bit too much.
      Him and i agreed to do Windrunner versus Ursa, so i can pit vs puck.
      Bash fed rune kill solo as WR to ursa. Then, tp’d back to bot lane and died again with 1 min of being in lane.
      He walked back to lane and went AFK at tower lvl 1 to go play poker.
      He continued to do that “bash dance” when he’s about to get killed throughout the rest of the game.

      Please ban for griefing, preferrably longer since bash is notorious for this.


        feel free to look at his past few games, too. He had a lich game last night where he griefed the entire game. Ultied creep waves, walked into enemy heroes. Dude just needs a nice long break


          Game starts out fine bash is solo lane vs ursa, but for some reason he contests the bounty then fails to run away and dies. As soon as he respawns he runs back into lane again ursa flashes near secret shop shows up with boots and kills him again both times he allchats “outpleid”. Bash walks to tower this time and afks away from creep wave at tower until team pauses and discusses a lane swap. Their trilane switches to bot and Bash goes top vs the trilane, but they switch their trilane and Bash is left in a solo lane. Ursa is already fat and roshes early and starts ganking. Bash kills ursa top taking away aegis then stays and fights for some reason and dies around the 8 minute mark. At around 12:30 he takes the DD rune top and dies to 3 and pez notes this in chat. After he respawns you clan clearly see the entire enemy team moving bot to gank in ward vision and he tps top and farms solo letting his team die. At around 15 minutes Bash gets nuked by puck down to 1/3rd hp and stays in lane and then dies to puck while holding a tp and while his team was getting dived bot. As soon as he respawns he tps bots and starts to chase wl then the whole team who was just diving moves down on to him and kills him and his teammates who tped to help. Matt and Bash start arguing in team chat and around 18:30 Bash idles in lane and dies to wl and ursa without attempting to escape. Their team is way too behind the rest of the game and lose Bash ending 2-10-1 and ursa ending 20-1-3.

          02:54 Allies Bash O yes
          03:00 Allies Bash WR lookin extra juicy
          05:04 Allies Bash so
          05:06 Allies Bash im off
          05:41 Allies Bash yea i gotta go vs ursa
          07:40 All Bash outpleid
          08:16 All Bash outpleid
          09:23 All Matt bash needs a ban
          09:51 Allies Bash why we paused brah
          09:53 Allies MiMMiC should i go bot?
          09:55 Allies Matt caus eur afk
          09:55 Allies antbug we might have to
          09:56 Allies antbug swap
          09:59 Allies antbug our entire tri
          10:00 Allies Bash well i cant get near the creeps
          10:02 Allies antbug so ursa wont have 8 min dagger
          10:03 Allies Bash so yea
          10:34 Allies antbug g bot
          10:34 Allies antbug guys
          21:38 Allies Matt 12:30
          25:40 Allies Matt idk bash
          25:42 Allies Matt why do you even waste
          25:43 Allies Matt your fucking time
          25:44 Allies Matt bro
          25:44 Allies Matt your fucking time
          25:49 Allies Bash maybe dont call my lane
          25:51 Allies Bash thanks
          25:52 Allies Matt yeah thats why
          25:53 Allies Matt you feed
          25:53 Allies Matt yeah thats why
          25:54 Allies Matt you feed
          25:55 Allies Matt a fucking ursa
          25:56 Allies Matt as wr
          25:57 Allies Bash he rushed boots
          26:00 Allies antbug -gg
          26:03 Allies Bash he runs
          26:05 Allies Matt fucking idiot man, every god damn game
          26:05 Allies Bash directly at me
          26:08 Allies Matt nah we playing this
          26:33 Allies Matt dudes trying
          26:34 Allies Matt to blame
          26:35 Allies Matt me
          26:38 Allies Matt for his throws
          26:46 Allies Bash yo shut the fuck up
          26:58 Allies Bash always trying to do some wacky lanes
          27:04 Allies Matt ursa
          27:04 Allies Matt its a fucking
          27:06 Allies Matt against pit
          27:10 Allies Bash and
          27:10 Allies Matt an ursa isnt supposed to kill a wr
          27:10 Allies Bash ok
          27:12 Allies Bash its me or u
          27:13 Allies Matt ursa rapes pit
          27:14 Allies Bash that gets fucked
          27:16 Allies Matt i rape puck
          27:21 Allies Matt and ur supposed to rape ursa
          27:22 Allies Bash u can farm
          27:24 Allies Bash other lanes
          27:26 Allies Bash neutrals
          27:28 Allies Bash i cant do anything
          27:32 Allies Matt fucking sad
          27:33 Allies Matt bro
          27:39 Allies Bash ya just keep ur mouth shout
          27:39 Allies Matt ant
          27:40 Allies Matt we split them
          27:45 Allies Matt stfu you wree afk playign poker
          27:45 Allies Bash and let me call my lane
          27:46 Allies Matt lvl 1
          27:50 Allies Matt griefing man
          38:13 Allies Matt end it so i can go report bash
          38:18 Allies Matt for wasting 28 misn of my life
          38:19 Allies Bash -gg
          38:21 Allies Bash damn

          Since this was the only game reported for this issue it will be the only one considered for this ban; if you want to report more frequently bans will stack to longer bans. Bash will be banned for 2 days for low effort and griefing. He does not have the benefit of a warning and the gameplay in this game was too severe to let go with a simple warning. Request approved.


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