ban bash

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  • #20725

      Your Warcraft III username: carlo_rossi
      Violator’s Warcraft III username: bash
      Violated Rule(s): griefing, afking
      Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 29:50, something eariler as stated by pink in chat
      Additional Information: bash even paused for more than 3 mins withoput tell us what he is doing, been known to play poker while playing


        I had an emergency, I didnt want to pause again and that screen shot is not related to the game as you can see by the players.


          Game starts out mostly fine except for some ambiguity about hero assignments. Early game Bash plays very well starting out zoning the 3v1 lane then rotating mid for a kill at 11:31, helping axe kill venge at 12:11, then ganking mid again around 14 minutes. The pause at 15:20 that lasted for 3 minutes was done correctly and is within the acceptable amount of time for a called for pause and he does not need to explain exactly why he needs the pause. He continues to play well after he is back then goes afk in base from 22 minutes to 22:50, but there is no impact on the game. The only incident that had impact was when he afks top lane around 37 minutes until 38 minutes when he tps to base. Rice and you both get caught outside base and troll doesn’t even tp to defend until around when Bash does. This had moderate impact because he should have tped, but because of the catches I do not think it would have changed much. Overall his gameplay was good and the first pause was legitimate, the second afk instance had no impact, and the third had moderate impact. Bash states he had an emergency so it wasn’t intentional griefing, but still had some affect on the game. Bash will be banned for a day and a half for afk. Request approved.


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