Ban boba and tricked

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  • #19770

      Your Warcraft III username: Fieryfox
      Violator’s Warcraft III username: Boba and tricked
      Violated Rule(s): Refusing to support
      Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Specifically between 12-20 minutes after creeps spawn
      Additional Information: They don’t buy wards when asked.


        Forgot replay:


          Game starts out mostly ok except boba goes boots first rhasta and doesn’t buy a ward leaving tricked to buy but he only has enough gold to get one so only mid has a ward to start and tricked ends up late to lane. Early laning phase is good and they win the lane and pull creeps for sven, but neither buy any obs wards after profiting and get boots instead. Boba rotates offlane and profits a kill then returns bot where a rotation wipes them and they start infighting and flaming. After they respawn they gather bot and fail their gank dive with a bad trade. The second ward of the game is finally bought by tricked at around 11 minutes in boba has still not bought any wards. Team starts complaining about lack of wards boba gets a sentry at around 12 minutes and dewards one ward and team continues to infight. A couple minutes later after being asked to ward neither buys the wards even though they have the gold to so mid is forced to buy the wards. At around 18 minutes boba gets 2 more sentries after farming lanes for a bit and buys his first obs ward a little after 24 minutes after getting lens and glimmer. They lose most of the team fights except for 2 defends in base and there is minimal warding aside from some obs mid game and a couple smokes. By the time the support warding is being done their team is in a bad deficit and slowly loses the game. Both boba and tricked get caught out quite a few times throughout, but did well when team was defending together.

          06:09 Allies SleepyBearFM tangobos
          06:14 Allies a74b75c give me rastah
          06:15 Allies a74b75c pls
          06:20 Allies a74b75c -swap 4
          06:21 Allies SleepyBearFM boba is
          06:23 Allies SleepyBearFM pro rhasta
          06:24 Allies SleepyBearFM sir
          06:31 Allies SleepyBearFM obs me
          06:37 Allies a74b75c boba buy an obs
          06:39 Allies a74b75c or
          06:41 Allies a74b75c we dont have
          06:42 Allies a74b75c idc
          06:43 Allies SleepyBearFM he has no gold
          06:44 Allies SleepyBearFM buy
          06:45 Allies SleepyBearFM obs
          06:51 Allies SleepyBearFM obs me
          06:52 Allies SleepyBearFM dude
          07:00 Allies a74b75c dude
          07:01 Allies a74b75c its
          07:03 Allies a74b75c gamerruin
          07:03 Allies a74b75c srsly
          07:04 Allies SleepyBearFM BUY OBS
          07:05 Allies SleepyBearFM MAN
          07:06 Allies a74b75c FUCK OFF
          07:07 Allies a74b75c NERd
          07:16 Allies SleepyBearFM give obs
          07:38 Allies SleepyBearFM vs buy the obs man…
          07:40 Allies SleepyBearFM you have 265
          07:42 Allies SleepyBearFM gold
          14:36 Allies Vkk venge
          14:37 Allies Vkk why
          14:38 Allies Vkk are you so bad
          14:52 Allies SleepyBearFM three wards
          14:53 Allies QKisMyName wheres vs
          14:53 Allies SleepyBearFM in shop
          15:05 Allies QKisMyName wtf
          15:06 Allies Vkk venge
          15:08 Allies Vkk might
          15:08 Allies Vkk be
          15:09 Allies Vkk afk
          15:19 Allies Vkk why
          15:20 Allies Vkk are you
          15:20 Allies QKisMyName ya vs is afk
          15:21 Allies Vkk blocking
          15:21 Allies Vkk me
          15:22 Allies Vkk are you
          15:23 Allies QKisMyName LMAO
          15:24 Allies Vkk stupid?=
          15:28 Allies Vkk i stoped
          15:30 Allies Vkk moving
          15:30 Allies Vkk cuz
          15:31 Allies Vkk venge
          15:34 Allies Vkk blocked the shit
          15:35 Allies QKisMyName holy shit orange is so bad
          15:35 Allies Vkk out of me
          15:45 Allies Vkk fucking
          15:46 Allies Vkk retarded
          16:25 Allies SleepyBearFM why u 2
          16:26 Allies SleepyBearFM here
          16:35 Allies QKisMyName cant lane with orange
          16:37 Allies QKisMyName hes too brain damaged
          16:39 Allies Vkk oj
          16:40 Allies SleepyBearFM u guys dont tp when he dives
          16:42 Allies SleepyBearFM and come to take farm
          16:54 Allies Vkk oj
          16:56 Allies Vkk doesnt have a brain
          16:57 Allies Vkk i think
          17:02 Allies Vkk fucking rdic
          17:26 Allies QKisMyName orange
          17:27 Allies QKisMyName is hiding
          19:09 Allies QKisMyName orange took tome for no reason
          19:10 Allies QKisMyName idc
          19:12 Allies QKisMyName lets ff at 15
          19:13 Allies Fieryfox can you
          19:14 Allies Fieryfox sttop
          19:15 Allies Fieryfox fucking whining
          19:15 Allies QKisMyName just another shit game with prized
          19:15 Allies Fieryfox fucking whining
          19:26 Allies SleepyBearFM team
          19:27 Allies SleepyBearFM refusing
          19:27 Allies SleepyBearFM to ward
          19:42 Allies SleepyBearFM gj
          19:43 Allies SleepyBearFM lasthitting
          19:54 Allies a74b75c wow
          19:56 Allies a74b75c LOL
          19:59 Allies a74b75c what ever i do
          20:01 Allies a74b75c its wrong
          20:03 Allies a74b75c god guys
          20:06 Allies a74b75c get a life
          20:08 Allies SleepyBearFM youre refusing to ward so
          20:32 Allies SleepyBearFM three wards
          20:34 Allies SleepyBearFM in our shop
          20:43 Allies SleepyBearFM im fine gging in 2mins, supports dont want to play the game
          21:24 Allies SleepyBearFM three wrads
          21:25 Allies SleepyBearFM in shop
          21:34 Allies Fieryfox can
          21:36 Allies Fieryfox supports buy wards
          21:39 Allies Fieryfox ANY OF YOU
          21:40 Allies QKisMyName orange busy last hitting heroes so tell him to buy it
          22:18 All Fieryfox 3
          22:18 All Fieryfox 2
          22:18 All Fieryfox 1
          22:20 Allies Fieryfox rhasta
          22:21 Allies Fieryfox buy wards.
          22:26 Allies QKisMyName no thanks. tell orange
          22:32 Allies SleepyBearFM im -gging in 40seconds
          22:36 Allies Fieryfox can
          22:44 Allies Fieryfox any of you buy wards
          22:48 Allies Fieryfox rhasta you just took a tower
          22:54 Allies SleepyBearFM ill support
          22:57 Allies SleepyBearFM since retards
          22:58 Allies SleepyBearFM want bands
          22:59 Allies SleepyBearFM bans*
          24:32 Allies SleepyBearFM gg it
          24:38 Allies Fieryfox dont gg
          24:39 Allies Fieryfox a winnable game
          24:48 Allies SleepyBearFM its not
          24:49 Allies SleepyBearFM winnable
          24:54 Allies SleepyBearFM when supports refuse to ward
          24:55 Allies SleepyBearFM and i have to
          25:03 Allies SleepyBearFM id rather not play
          25:04 Allies Vkk can we ward thios?
          25:05 Allies SleepyBearFM with them
          25:17 Allies Vkk -gg
          25:27 Allies Vkk they
          25:28 Allies Vkk taking
          25:30 Allies Vkk my stacks
          25:47 Allies SleepyBearFM im the only support
          25:49 Allies SleepyBearFM on this team
          31:38 Allies SleepyBearFM ward in shop again
          36:53 Allies QKisMyName lmfao
          37:49 Allies QKisMyName warded
          38:03 Allies Fieryfox you know its warded
          38:05 Allies Fieryfox buy sentries?
          38:16 Allies a74b75c need lense

          Clear refusal to support in the early game leaving cores at a disadvantage and forcing mid to buy the wards until after you had both farmed items. There was essentially 1 ward mid for the first 11 minutes then 1 ward defensive jungle until mid bought the shop to get some vision. More items were then farmed and eventually some support was done later, but clear in the chat that there was gold to ward and it was being used for items. Also the toxic behavior did not go unnoticed and will also be part of the bans. Tricked will be banned for 1 day for refusing to support, boba will be banned for 2 days for refusing to support and toxic behavior, and vik will be banned for 1 day for toxic behavior. Request approved.


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