ban pez

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  • #15680

      Your Warcraft III username: balenciaganboba
      Violator’s Warcraft III username: stinkypez/matt
      Violated Rule(s):
      1) muted captain
      2) wouldnt share courier
      3) toxic all game to the entire team

      Time of Violation (in-game or replay): all game. also, there is a screenshot of him admitting to muting captain in discord. pez says to ban him because he doesnt care, so you should.
      Additional Information:


        Even Admin DCaudio who was obsing through pez’s POV stream on discord said pez lost his shit. toxic. pez literally cries every game ppl whine and give up too early. meanwhile this guy unironically loses his shit 30 seconds into the game


          +1, this idiot starting drama negative 57 secs into the game. honestly cant play with this guy tilting me from the start. he is also taking farm bot and using all his mana then walking mid and feeding. t4 trashcan


            -1 on this ban. We need all the NA players we can get and banning an active player will cost us some night time fun. Pez did mute capt however it seemed from watching stream that boba was belittling him which could have been the main reason why a mute was necessary regardless of the rules. Also the mute did not do much it was more positive since it stopped the bickering between the two. With all this being said I think both players deserve only warnings and we can carry on being mates. Happy gaming. Please don’t ban admins, we need NA!


              YEAH +1 BAN THIS IDIOT!


                Let’s be real.. does a report from boba/1010 even hold any weight? Both are known ragers/griefers. I think we’d need others to chime in on who is accountable for what actions. The reality of it all is that they are mad they took a loss and came to forums to feel better looking for a ban. I saw pez stream and it wasn’t even that crazy but boba deserved the mute. Let’s just relax and take a deep breath. These guys will also behave exactly what they report for when times get tough so let’s just give it a warning and move forth


                  Whole chatlog is pretty toxic from multiple players including those posting the ban request and supporting it. Muting captain and not sharing control are clearly not ok so there will be a warning for that and any future incidents will be a ban. Would like to note that you cannot just assign someone a hard 5 position and make them do all the support which seems like what you were doing here and it came across as malicious from what I read. Given the issues from multiple players in this game we are going to call it a wash and issue only the warning. Request denied.


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