Ban PinkUnikorn, FieryFox, Tomoya, QuanYing low effort/ reckless death/ griefing

First Blood Gaming Forums Leagues Defense of the Ancients Ban Requests Processed Requests Ban PinkUnikorn, FieryFox, Tomoya, QuanYing low effort/ reckless death/ griefing

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  • #20790

      Ban all player from that game or unban RTU.
      Let’s begin from Pink.
      Min 3 he dies for no reason near small camp.
      Min 4 he dies again for no reason on the lane.
      Min 7 he still lvl 2, when the lowest lvl 4 in all teams.
      Min 8 he dies again, no boots. Tried to help tiny when there was nothing he could do to help.
      Min 9 still no boots, no clarity, nothing for heal.
      Min 18 it’s his 9th death in their woods near river he comes after fight over and all back. 1v5, trying to run but dies again. Still only boots and shield.
      Min 20 he dies again alone between t2 t3. Out on 5 heroes.
      Min 22 red boots and magic stick. 0:11 and 1 assist. He dies again to ench sitting mid when 5 heroes come. 0:12. Quan did same and also dies 1v5.
      Min 23 tiny tp right to their 5 heroes mid and instantly dies.Also he initiated fight under their tower before, where we all died. Low effort Fieryfox.
      When they pushed min 23 mid Tomoya afk farm woods then tpd close to them and we died with ogre trying to save him.
      Then we all die by cd till the end nothing we can do.


        -1, low effort ban request


          The incident you state is minute 3 is actually 2:32 which was directly caused by you denying creeps in lane alone without your team tanking autoattack hits from morphling until your team was forced to join you. This was in no way Pink’s fault if anything this just supports the ban against you. The incident you state is at 4 minutes is at 4:45 and is indeed a reckless death, but not intentional. Stating that he is level 2 at 7 minutes ignores the the reasons why; his first death was because of your crucial mistake which essentially ruined the trilane, his second death was because he got caught warding, the time he spends after that is rotating as the team called to do then grabbing bot invis rune to try to gank mid. Being stuck behind in levels is only an issue if it is due to deliberate game ruining behavior which in this case it is not. The incident you state is minute 8 is at 8:36 where he tries to save his teammate at t1 tower. You state that he has no boots, but you also have no boots and he has been doing the warding and roaming while you have sat in lanes so I do not see the point in mentioning that. At minute 9 you say he has no boots, no clarity, nothing for heal which is a convenient criticism because you had just gotten clarities, and boots only because you last hit a kill seconds before and again you have been sitting lanes while he has been warding and roaming and in this minute protects you from wd ult with stun. The incident you state is minute 18 is just before 19 minutes and there was no fight that had finished there was an attempt to engage in which he gets caught alone and does not die until he is nearly safe near t1 tower your side. He also didn’t engage when 1v5 he engaged and immediately moved towards escaping when team didn’t follow and only died once all had chased him which is definitely not an intentional feed as he was trying to escape from the moment it did not work nor was it necessarily a reckless death since there was an opportunity to engage that did not pan out. Stating he still only had boots and shield implies he had boots earlier which as you state he did not so this is irrelevant. It is also worth noting you had mana and hp and did nothing to help in this situation. The incident you state is minute 20 is just after 20 minutes he was with sven, not alone, between t2 and t3 towers and was skewered by mag with dagger this was not intentional and the part you conveniently left out was about 40 seconds earlier when you were between t1 and t2 towers actually by yourself and with ward vision and let enchant walk up to you and kill you after your team pinged you. Again at minute 22 you state he only has red boots and magic stick when only seconds earlier you had only red boots and wand until you go buy arcane on foot instead of joining the team fight in your woods where 3 allies die, but you only mention pink. His 12th death at 22:53 he dies to only enchant due to a pike vision glitch and was not alone and not intentional or reckless. Just after 23 minutes quan does die to 5 which was not the same thing that pink did and was reckless. At around 23:20 vosje does tp into the enemy and dies instantly this was not a good move and is reckless, but does not appear to be an intentional feed. When they push mid base tower after at 24:10 tomoya was not afk farming woods he had just backed from pushing top lane and tps to base and gets jumped on and yes it snowballs into a full team wipe, but again this is not an intentional feed nor does it seem to be reckless; your team was very far behind at this point will little chance of a comeback. At 24:50 you walk out into 3 and immediately die while 3 of your teammates are there and only ogre with you which is just as reckless as anything you have noted from anyone else not to mention your previous reckless deaths. A little after 26 minutes you walk into try to help a fleeing team after the fight was lost and die; another thing you accuse your team of doing. A little after 27 minutes your team is fighting top and you have a tp but walk mid for a bit before tping in late after the fight is mostly done barely cast spells then waste ult under your tower and die. Just before 32 minutes you die mid to enchant pushing creeps outside of your base. Rest of the game is base feeding until throne. This is clearly a retaliatory brq so it immediately has less credibility than one made without any bans handed out for the same game. You already have a ban on you for gameplay and behavior and refusal to support. None of the other players you are requesting bans for even have a warning this season for anything except quan who only has a warning for toxic behavior. Your first death was so bad many players consider it an unvouchable level of play which I can see given that I watched it live and in this review. I think you should consider yourself lucky that this ban was not longer and the unvouch part only noted and not acted upon. Moderation has defended you consistently on the topic of unvouching and to see this entitled perspective is disappointing. The whole game was rough for the entire team and due to pink’s hero and the fact that you were noticeably absent for most of the game opting to sit lanes instead of helping ogre in any way got him hard stuck hence the game score. I considered not even reviewing this brq due to the transparent retaliatory nature and the low effort on time stamps and accuracy of infractions and lack of format. The demand to ban everyone on the team or unban you will never be something we humor and the waste of time to find nothing to your level of infraction compounds the issue as there is not a valid argument made. Request denied.


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