ban request

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  • #9565

      Your Warcraft III username: dcaudio
      Violator’s Warcraft III username: puppith
      Violated Rule(s): refusing to place obs wards or purchase/place sentry wards vs riki
      Time of Violation (in-game or replay): all throughout mid game onwards
      Additional Information:

      Ignoring multiple team and captains orders to buy sentry wards multiple different times in games playing vs a riki. He also held onto 3-4 obs wards on his hero for giant spans of time refusing to place them for BS reasons.


        At minute 28, Puppith places a sentry at enemy ramp. Supnub (windrunner) sees riki, gets attacked, runs back, then runs right back into full enemy team and team wipes.

        at 31 mins is when the big team fight at enemy mid rax is, puppith did not bring sentries, but he was broke, having less than 100 gold to start the push. Bash did have dust, and revealed riki, but he did a good job kiting around until dust wore off. Just an unfortunate sequence, but not really the fault of silencer.

        The rest of the game just kind of snowballed, and the enemy AA dropping was a blessing in disguise. Silencer did not play perfect but he supported as best he could. If you can attach a chatlog regarding him blatantly ignoring team requests I can adjust the decision, but based off what I’ve seen I don’t see any negligence or intentional ruining. He finished with a ton of wards and almost always had some on his person when he could afford.

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