Ban Request AlphaWolf

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  • #930

      Your Warcraft III username: balenciaganboba
      Violator’s Warcraft III username: alphawolf
      Violated Rule(s): He is just bad. Doesn’t follow directions. Has no map sense.
      1) As captain I tell him to go bottom and stay bottom. He leaves. He doesn’t harass the BM out of lane. I tell him from minute 1-5 to come back. He does not.
      2) He never gets plague wards on venomancer. We tell him to get wards. He goes stats.
      3) He TPs into a tower with 5 enemy heroes attacking. Dies in .1 second.
      Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
      Additional Information:
      Additionally, don’t forget to upload the replay!
      Note: Ban requests missing any of the required information (specially timestamps) will be denied, without any further notice.

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Kappa.

        As for time stamps. Entire game, 0 plague wards even after antbug told him to get it. minute 0-5 he deliberately ignores lanes and what I said. etc etc. get him out of here. doesn’t understand simple instructions.


          Once you edit, and remove all the cursing/flaming, we will review your request.

          *Be polite and mannered – do not insult and do not start flame wars.



            Your Warcraft III username: balenciaganboba
            Violator’s Warcraft III username: alphawolf
            Violated Rule(s): He is just bad. Doesn’t follow directions. Has no map sense.
            1) As captain I tell him to go bottom and stay bottom. He leaves. He doesn’t harass the BM out of lane. I tell him from minute 1-5 to come back. He does not.
            2) He never gets plague wards on venomancer. We tell him to get wards. He goes stats.3) He TPs into a tower with 5 enemy heroes attacking. Dies in .1 second

            As for time stamps. Entire game, 0 plague wards even after antbug told him to get it. minute 0-5 he deliberately ignores lanes and what I said. etc etc. get him out of here. doesn’t understand simple instructions


              I just don’t understand what his issue is. I spent the first 5 minutes of the game typing “go bottom” “go bottom” “go bottom” “go bottom” “go bottom” “go bottom” “go bottom” “go bottom” “go bottom” “go bottom”. He goes elsewhere. Antbug and the rest of the team tell him to get plague wards. End game, he has stats and level 0 plague wards.

              What’s his excuse? Are simply instructions too difficult? Is reading a skill beyond him?


                1) Leveling wards first mentioned here
                40:26 Allies antbug- alpha u got to level ur wards
                40:31 Allies alphawolf k
                40:34 All BalenciagaNBoba al
                40:39 All BalenciagaNBoba veno is level 14 no wardws

                I think he might have done this because you tell him to level the other 2 abilities.

                05:53 Allies BalenciagaNBoba so veno
                05:59 Allies BalenciagaNBoba get your shadow strike first
                06:00 Allies BalenciagaNBoba the gale
                06:02 Allies BalenciagaNBoba level 2 get your passive
                06:05 Allies alphawolf k
                06:07 Allies BalenciagaNBoba harass the beastmaster out of lane
                06:18 Allies BalenciagaNBoba passive on veno crushes melee offlaners
                06:26 Allies BalenciagaNBoba if aa CFs, gale on the spot

                This is lack of knowledge of how veno should be played + you told him this. Skill issue here – not refusing to cooperate or throwing.

                2) Lane
                Veno starts bot as instructed. Gets rune a 2 min and rotates mid / top to gank. Boba dies during this time and gets upset. Veno return bot to help. Then lots of fighting starts and others are calling for ganks top. I don’t see refusing to cooperate with lane selection. More miscommunication and trying to gank which one could argue was the right move. Helps get lots of kills as well.

                Really this should be an unvouch request but this alone would not be enough to unvouch in my opinion. Feel free to gather other games with poor play/items/skills and post an unvouch request.

                No ban. Denied.

                • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Kappa.
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