ban request for redhawk

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  • #18990

      Your Warcraft III username: 1010
      Violator’s Warcraft III username: redhawk
      Violated Rule(s): griefing
      Time of Violation (in-game or replay): from laning phase till end of game
      Additional Information: this guy has a history of griefing games on my team. in lane he leaves to gank mid for no reason when we are already having hard time 2v3. afterwards i decide to jungle because by now the lack of zoning has lost us the lane to lich and crix. the point of me jungling is so that im not at risk of dying in lane and so that kka and cm can get some levels. cm continues to run around doing useless bullshit and as a result ends up lvl 4 while larry is lvl 6. i get killed top 2-3 times while cm shows a complete disregard to support. she stays botside being useless and has 0 kills and 0 assists till min 13 or around there. she also keeps frostbiting creeps. the game is practically over once they start pushing for rax and this is when cm decides to spring into action. while larry is also at fault for being useless, i believe only cm to be intentionally griefing. i believe my flame to be justified in game. will post exact times once i review replay.


        While admins review the replay, please also keep an eye for 1010s in game chat, he was being toxic as usual from the get go, blaming me and larry for everything. I went mid with invis to gang ursa who he barely survived while somehow kka died and naix starting blaming me for that too. He continued to blame for the rest of the game even when he went woods.

        I left larry alone to xp and get lvl 6, that’s why I was trying to xp from neutral camps and was underlevelled. As for me being with 0 kills and assists during early game was coz nobody would gang with me. Kka was bot trying to xp, naix was woods, and me and rexxar couldnt kill ursa solo. Ember was also having a hard time and didn’t gang with us.

        If i am to get banned, make sure to ban this guy for always being toxic towards his supports. No wonder no player wants to ever support players like 1010.


          2:03: cm leaves to gank mid with invis rune without even being lvl 2. 1 more creep and she could have had nova, which she is supposed to get lvl 1 to try and win 2v3 btw.

          2:34: already i cant walk up anymore, larry claims to be eating and thats why he doesnt torrent.

          3:20: i inform teammates lane lost due to poor gameplay already. cm should be spamming nova lvl 1, along with torrent and both auto attacking but instead we are being out leveled.

          4:23: i go to jungle

          6:50: cm decides to casually rune top lane for no reason. then runs all the way back bot for no reason.

          7:30: i instruct supports to just soak xp from lane

          8:02: failed tp attempt, canceled.

          8:40: at this point cm is lvl 3 and you can see how she is playing. ember tps bot and just dies with these 2 as support.

          9:57: cm being useless in jungle without a tp while ember casually dies bot. i instruct larry to go to her so that they can perhaps coordinate a gank.

          11:22: i attempt to solo defend top while cm is standing mid lvl 4 without a tp. she also hasnt bothered to tome to reach lvl 6. she should already be lvl 6 if she soaked lane bot while i was jungling.

          11:32: i almost 1v3 jug while cm and larry are afk without tps.

          13:23: i get solo killed by ursa during nort ult and inform team that there is clearly vision there. cm is still bot side doing absolutely nothing.

          14:11: cm runs to ward spot to deward, but can see ursa coming and barely reacts.

          15:21: cm continues to jungle with no attempt at coordinating with kunkka, rex or me. she has 0 kills or assists.

          16:53: cm tps bot side to stand around with 3 other people. at this point crix and ursa run at me top, and not a single shit is given since she has already wasted tp.

          17:52: cm has 1 kill, which she was not needed for and 0 assists. at this point im already done with the game. she continues to jungle and be useless.

          At this point game is practically over and cm appears to start casting spells, but it no longer matters. In conclusion, low effort supporting with no initiative taken to coordinate with kunkka or rexxar to try and conduct a gank.

          I will admit that I probably flamed more than i should in lane, but in my defense we were losing a 2v3 and this cm just did not care at all.


            idk, there probably isnt enough to ban him here but are you guys rly telling me that its normal gameplay?


              Reporting player has cancelled the request.


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