Ban request mslove

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  • #16339

      If you wish to report a player, please post a new topic, following this format:

      Your Warcraft III username: Armageddon
      Violator’s Warcraft III username: mslove
      Violated Rule(s): force send
      Time of Violation (in-game or replay): end of level 1
      Additional Information:

      i called for a clogg on level 1. then like 3 sec before level 1 ends mslove forces a level 2 send.
      hostile behaviour when questioned.

      Additionally, don’t forget to upload the replay!

      Note: Ban requests missing any of the required information (specially timestamps) will be denied, without any further notice.


        1. we saw they fast killers, so clog was not good option

        2. i call alot of games and players know that, if its bad or not.(+highest elo)


          Ok then!

          Hello and good day to the both of you. Today we are going to discuss manners. So both of you clearly have manners, I have seen them personally.

          Yet this game seemed to be more about a penile measuring contest right from the very beginning.

          Armageddon, saying clog might be the way, is not calling clog. additionally, no one else agreed nor disagreed. That happened as soon as you questioned “Reg?” and you were told to hold on.

          Ghery then says go 2, and he didn’t force anything, as light yagami apparently agreed and was 1st to send.

          Ban request denied.

          Ghery, when he told you he was not happy and would not follow a last second call in future games, there is no need to mute imo, as it is clear you two actually need to be able to communicate in order to win this particular game. Nor is there a reason to say “who are you?” this is quite rude and beneath the dignity you profess to have.

          In effect you created a mucho hostile environment for Light and Jaguar , as well as, each other.

          both calls were valid. however, I don’t believe hostility will helpeither of you, in the future.

          closed and processing

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