ban risefire and capt ban

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  • #21166

      Your Warcraft III username: carlo_rossi
      Violator’s Warcraft III username: risefire
      Violated Rule(s): afking in lane, not lvl up stun lvl 1
      Time of Violation (in-game or replay): after 1 min once we are in lanes
      Additional Information: he lvl up toss lvl 1, and once we were in lane he didnt do anything to stop ck and dazz when they killed me 2 times, started using stun once he woke up, he was standing in lane and not farming


        There is a 4v4 fight at the bot rune at the start of the game rice who is tiny has toss lvl 1 instead of stun which you think is bannable apparently when you leveled bonds lvl 1 instead of heal as warlock. Team ties 2-2 at the rune fight and you get a double kill but die; it is noteworthy that the kills were made possible by lvl 1 toss. Once team gets back in the tri vs tri bot you get comboed by ck and bala who were both lvl 2 and die instantly. The time that rice is “afk” in lane is because neither support was zoning the enemy combo that killed you. Also it was ck balanar nuke combo not dazzle he was pulling in woods and neither toss nor stun would have saved you in either situation. Also there is nothing presented here for a captain ban so that will be ignored. This is a very weak ban request and if you aren’t going to provide anything substantial they will no be given credit in the future. Request denied.


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