Ban rq on Nikzor

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  • #8204

      Your Warcraft III username: PV-Serb[HoaR]
      Violator’s Warcraft III username: Nikzor
      Violated Rule(s): He said he had to go and that the game has to end 21 then signs the next game
      Time of Violation (in-game or replay): I was not in this game but per request of dead I am writing this report. The evidence can clearly be seen in LIHL queue.
      Additional Information: When something similar happened to Quail there was a huge drama, and he got punished for it hard. In this situation Nikzor didnt do it intentionally, but he didnt take the responsibility for his actions (ex. not signing, saying he is sorry etc…). Dead got banned for 168 hours by MoaMoa, for the second lobby that was up, where Nikzor signed again. The issue is not that he had to go and that plans changed, the issue is he never took responsibility for influencing the game previous, and signing next lobby.


        Due to MOAMOA and dead having issues over this i request that any admin but MOAMOA review this.


          Also the ban by MOAMOA is for the next game where both nikzor and dead signed. Dead joined the lobby than rq. Thats why he is banned.
          P.S. Moa was not in the game where nikzor said he had to go.


            Also apparently the first game dead won on 21 which he didnt tell me.


              And also, dead is some1 who is playing for many years in LIHL. And we all know he is nobody who just starting any drama or dodging game or ragequit on purpose, so moa as a mod, just talk to him in private and get detailed information about the situation before take actions! i thought we are a community and not savages! Dead saw a really bad move by some1 (nikz) and he just wanted justice. Nobody cared what he said, when it was obvious and he made sure it takes consequences. And he is 100% right.


                No idea why you’re even posting this when you weren’t an obs, you weren’t a player, and you clearly dind’t take the time to read the chat on queue either:

                nikzToday at 11:06 AM
                just swap me then
                and play
                im sorry dead.

                nikzToday at 11:07 AM
                i can play
                his not playing
                if im playing
                do u read?

                If dead (or anyone in that game) wishes to report this situation, they can repost it with proper evidence (and a logical explanation, not spam new posts everytime they read something new, like you are doing atm).


                PS: Not even 2 hours passed since this incident occured.

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