ban shadow for refusing fight with team

First Blood Gaming Forums Leagues Defense of the Ancients Ban Requests Processed Requests ban shadow for refusing fight with team

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  • #20993

      We have asked him multiple times to join team and let tb farm instead. he refused and afk rice 28 mins.
      simply, read our team chat.


        Meepo trying for farm/split push strategy is reasonable against heroes that make his hero explode. Boyka plays mostly the same way, not participating in ganks/fights very much until later in the game with a lot of levels/farm. Don’t see how that is banworthy.

        • This reply was modified 1 year ago by MuMiX.

          There is another meepo game prior to this one that I am posting first since it was reported first here.

          Game starts out with shadow asking for meepo then some infighting between ant and shadow over ant playing kotl shadow claiming ant is trying to lose by playing kotl. Lanes are meepo mid, kotl offlane vs jugg, axe jungle, and naix wd safelane. Enemy team has a roaming thrall mostly top with jugg, jungling panda, and offlane bh. At around 3:50 BH catches axe low in jungle and gets first blood. A little before 5 minutes kotl gets ganked and dies to jugg. At 6:16 shadow gets ganked by bh and dies to sniper ult mid and asks for a sentry for mid which wd drops on ground for him but he doesn’t take it and bh steals it. At 7:18 thrall ganks mid and meepo dies to sniper again and blames wd for being afk. At around 9 minutes enemy dives meepo again mid, but doesn’t kill and kotl rotates to kill bh and axe kills sniper and thrall. At 10:38 meepo dies to sniper bh in jungle solo then they hunt down axe and kill him and chase kotl and naix and kill them at t2 tower meepo tped top to farm when he respawned during this fight. At 12 minutes axe calls for gank top with meepo and shadow says “no they finding me” and continues to neutral then goes top to farm once team moves on and dies solo to jugg and thrall then asks why team left him. A little before 18 minutes enemy catches wd then axe in woods meepo tps top to push. A little after 21 minutes whole team is pushing bot meepo is pushing mid and a team fight breaks out bot meepo tps in late after 3 teammates die, but does kill 3 for the trade. At around 24 minutes meepo is pushing top alone and enemy team dives him and chases to kill, but his team shows up and kills 3 for a good trade. Team continue and takes top t2 then meepo tps in and goes mid and takes mid t2 then a full team fight breaks out and meepo tps out while the other 4 die then goes bot to farm. A little after 29 minutes whole team is roshing meepo tps top to push and entire team dies at rosh then they tp on meepo to defend and he kills 3 then dies. Team goes back to rosh and meepo goes mid to push enemy ganks rosh again and kills 3 and meepo shows late and kills 3 then dies to the last 2 then buys back to finish rosh for naix. Around 34 minutes full team is pushing mid base and meepo goes top then 2 teammates die mid and meepo takes top base tower and tps bot to farm. At 35:40 meepo goes and tries to backdoor top rax with the rest of the team on their side of river and dies alone then enemy team pushes and full team wipes the rest of the team then takes mid rax and top t2 tower. At 39 minutes a team fight breaks out in their woods and meepo tps top again to try raxing again and dies without touching rax to jugg and sniper then enemy goes bot and kills the other 3 teammates then takes bot t2 and bot rax. During both solo meepo deaths there is a lot of infighting in team chat about it. At around 43 minutes enemy is pushing top rax and meepo is bot, but tps to base to defend and they wipe the enemy with meepo dying in the fight. At 45 minutes enemy team sniper kills rosh and meepo tps top lane solo while his whole team is at their base and dies to jugg and panda. Enemy team then full team pushes top forcing meepo buyback and wipes team then thrones.

          00:08 All Shadow i actually had a method for him to smell his own penis
          00:11 Allies Shadow yo try to sneak me geo
          00:14 Allies Shadow but dont talk about it
          03:30 Allies antbug gogo kotl
          03:33 Allies Shadow do pos 1 enjoy
          03:41 Allies Shadow where
          03:43 Allies Shadow ill kotl lane
          03:44 Allies Shadow wtf
          03:53 Allies Shadow ant plz carry me for once
          03:55 Allies Shadow ddue again
          03:59 Allies Shadow ur doing this to me ant?
          04:04 Allies Shadow why only on my team
          04:17 Allies Shadow dont eza man
          04:22 Allies Shadow get real hero
          04:24 Allies Shadow naix or sumtin
          04:48 Allies GB3 you want geo?
          04:51 Allies Shadow yeas
          04:52 Allies Shadow yes
          04:54 Allies Shadow ez win
          04:55 Allies GB3 geo and kotl?
          04:56 Allies antbug ?
          04:58 Allies Shadow ya
          05:00 Allies Shadow geo kotl
          05:01 Allies Shadow go
          05:01 Allies antbug why would u give him geo
          05:03 Allies antbug its autoloss
          05:05 Allies Shadow ?
          05:05 Allies antbug i dont understand
          05:08 Allies Shadow tf u mean
          05:09 Allies Shadow i won my last 5
          05:13 Allies Shadow dude ur pruposely tryna lose
          05:14 Allies antbug u havent won a game
          05:15 Allies antbug on geo
          05:15 Allies Shadow this is wat u did last time
          05:18 Allies antbug lmfao
          05:19 Allies Shadow u went 0/15 on kotl
          05:21 Allies Shadow just stop
          05:22 Allies Shadow i told fantom too
          05:25 Allies Shadow that u keep trolling my team
          05:27 Allies Shadow tryna force capt
          05:27 Allies antbug how did i go 0/15
          05:29 Allies Shadow to make us lose
          05:31 Allies antbug when i got a 70%
          05:32 Allies Shadow and then u go lina mid agianst me
          05:32 Allies antbug wr
          05:34 Allies Shadow 10 game in a row
          05:36 Allies Shadow just STOP
          05:40 Allies Shadow ur literlaly trolling gb3
          05:46 Allies Shadow u went 0/15 kotl
          05:48 Allies antbug right
          05:58 Allies Shadow im winnign then u come to que
          05:59 Allies Shadow u see me on team
          05:59 Allies GB3 whatever
          06:01 Allies GB3 its last game
          06:01 Allies Shadow so u decide to troll
          06:06 Allies Shadow go geo
          06:14 Allies antbug -gg
          06:18 Allies antbug kid is useless
          06:18 Allies GB3 -gg
          06:20 Allies antbug for 100 minutes
          06:42 Allies Shadow cant count how many times
          06:48 Allies Shadow u purpose play retard hero my team
          06:49 Allies Shadow then very next game
          06:52 Allies Shadow u play try hard mid
          06:55 Allies Shadow im gonna report u foreal
          06:57 Allies antbug i hope u do
          07:01 Allies Shadow u been tryna drag me down
          07:04 Allies Shadow idk why born met up w u
          07:04 Allies antbug didnt i make u go 0-15
          07:06 Allies Shadow ur cancerous
          07:06 Allies antbug as mid
          07:09 Allies Shadow one game try foreal
          07:11 Allies Shadow on my team
          07:15 Allies Shadow ur gonna go 0/10 rn
          07:40 Allies antbug therse a reason why born never hits u up bud
          07:41 Allies Shadow there heroes counter kotl
          07:42 Allies Shadow so bad
          07:42 Allies Shadow lmfao
          07:53 Allies antbug ur embarrasing to hang around
          07:56 Allies antbug or even be seen with
          08:02 Allies Shadow ur 5’5
          08:04 Allies Shadow never been w a girl
          08:07 Allies Shadow get real man
          08:08 Allies antbug child molester vibes
          08:13 Allies Shadow lol wut
          08:22 Allies Shadow thats u xkkek
          08:24 Allies PinkUnicorn stop with the personal insults
          08:27 Allies PinkUnicorn this is the only warning
          14:42 Allies Shadow man
          14:44 Allies Shadow can i get
          14:45 Allies Shadow a sentry
          14:46 Allies Shadow plz
          14:50 Allies Shadow this is annnoying
          14:53 Allies PinkUnicorn sigh
          15:02 Allies Shadow bounty isnt even in a lane
          15:04 Allies Shadow hes just camping mid
          15:07 Allies GB3 shadow can i get this?
          15:13 Allies GB3 im 1k from dag
          15:46 Allies Shadow bro
          15:46 Allies Shadow wtf
          15:48 Allies Shadow is actually going on
          15:52 Allies PinkUnicorn i gave you sentry
          15:54 Allies PinkUnicorn where did it go+
          15:58 Allies Shadow ur afk
          16:01 Allies Shadow if ur not helping carry
          16:04 Allies Shadow why are u there
          16:08 Allies Shadow they take
          16:09 Allies Shadow my stack
          16:09 Allies Shadow guys
          16:10 Allies Shadow plz
          16:12 Allies Shadow stop th
          16:31 Allies PinkUnicorn did you not take the sentry i put on the ground?
          17:01 Allies PinkUnicorn guess you didnt
          17:11 Allies PinkUnicorn guess bounty took it
          17:14 Allies PinkUnicorn cause you are sleeping
          17:55 Allies Shadow they just
          17:56 Allies Shadow divine me
          19:21 Allies Shadow they just been chasing me
          19:22 Allies Shadow all game
          19:26 Allies Shadow idk why u guys wont ward
          19:29 Allies Shadow or try a thing about ti
          19:33 Allies PinkUnicorn why is this guy talking?
          21:57 Allies Shadow gonna get travel and rat them
          21:58 Allies Shadow fk this
          31:18 Allies antbug u goonna have to tell yellow to stop griefing
          31:23 Allies antbug otherwise hes gonna afk farm the whole game
          31:31 Allies Shadow muted ant
          31:32 Allies Shadow ur a retard
          31:42 Allies GB3 come on guys
          31:51 Allies GB3 lets just work together
          44:41 Allies Shadow LMFAO
          44:43 Allies Shadow wtf
          44:46 Allies Shadow they actually all 5
          44:47 Allies Shadow waited there
          44:48 Allies PinkUnicorn what are you doing?
          44:48 Allies Shadow thats insane
          45:28 Allies Audi LOL
          45:28 Allies PinkUnicorn glad this is over
          45:30 Allies Shadow once again
          45:30 Allies GB3 welp
          45:34 Allies Shadow team hangs on by me
          45:35 Allies antbug told u
          45:38 Allies Audi why did u
          45:38 Allies antbug same shit
          45:39 Allies Shadow and cuz ant cant do shit
          45:39 Allies Audi they have
          45:40 Allies antbug diff game
          45:40 Allies Audi BD
          45:50 Allies Shadow ant why do u keep tryna do same troll
          45:51 All antbug who woulda known
          45:54 All antbug our afk farming meepo
          45:54 Allies Shadow u think ppl will fall for it
          45:57 Allies Shadow ur the fail
          45:58 All antbug woulda been useless
          45:59 Allies Shadow and u tryna turn it on me
          46:05 All Shadow ant purpoesly wanted “fun hero”
          46:08 All Shadow now mad we cant win
          46:10 All Shadow wat a joke kid
          46:25 Allies Shadow he only does this on my team
          46:26 Allies Shadow nonstop
          46:28 Allies Shadow i can show u proof
          46:30 Allies Shadow in every replay w him
          46:33 Allies Shadow he will feed
          46:34 Allies antbug so terrible
          46:36 Allies PinkUnicorn shadow you just walked into 5 ppl solo
          46:38 Allies Shadow and then say shadow is doing thsi and that
          46:39 Allies PinkUnicorn please dont talk
          48:34 Allies antbug LOLLLL
          48:47 Allies Shadow ur pathetic bro
          48:49 Allies Shadow carry me one game
          48:52 Allies Shadow and then talk
          48:52 Allies antbug LOL
          48:58 Allies Shadow tryhard kid against me
          48:59 Allies Shadow fails w me
          49:33 Allies Shadow why do u fp ant if ur gonna make him kotl
          49:36 Allies Shadow why not fp supnub
          49:38 Allies Shadow who tries hard
          49:38 Allies Shadow to win
          49:48 Allies Shadow whats the use of him
          49:53 Allies GB3 b/c he wanted kotl
          49:57 Allies antbug waste of a teamate
          49:57 Allies Shadow because
          49:58 Allies Shadow i told u
          50:00 Allies Shadow hes on my team
          50:01 Allies GB3 you wanted geo
          50:01 Allies Shadow he always says
          50:04 Allies Shadow i want kotl on my team
          50:06 Allies Shadow and then fails
          50:11 Allies Shadow hes doing it cuz he doesnt like playing core w me
          50:13 Allies Shadow hes spiteful
          50:18 Allies GB3 bro we had ginormous throws
          50:21 Allies GB3 we were winning
          50:25 Allies antbug if meepo
          50:26 Allies GB3 it has nothing to do with picks
          50:26 Allies antbug joined 1 fight
          50:28 Allies antbug in 40 min
          50:30 Allies antbug we prob woulda won
          50:33 Allies Shadow dude just stop
          50:36 Allies Shadow u never perform
          50:37 Allies Shadow ur fake t1
          50:42 Allies Shadow supnub is way better tahn u no cap
          50:47 Allies antbug i hope so
          51:09 Allies GB3 honestly we needed you earlier shadow
          51:13 Allies GB3 we lost rhythm
          51:16 Allies Shadow i cant alwayus
          51:18 Allies Shadow solo carry as geo
          51:18 Allies antbug literally asid
          51:20 Allies Shadow i need sum1 else
          51:22 Allies Shadow to perform w me
          51:25 Allies Shadow this is so annoying
          51:25 Allies antbug afk farmed
          51:28 Allies Shadow whnever im geo
          51:29 Allies GB3 we were holdign them off 4v5
          51:30 Allies Shadow ppl want me to 1v5
          51:31 Allies antbug tries to dive a rax
          51:32 Allies Shadow or im the problem
          52:31 Allies GB3 lol
          52:34 Allies antbug LOLL
          52:34 Allies GB3 see the team fight
          52:35 Allies Shadow go push lanes
          52:37 Allies antbug FIRST
          52:39 Allies antbug iN 43
          52:39 Allies antbug MIN
          54:42 Allies PinkUnicorn shadow
          54:42 Allies Audi ?
          54:43 Allies Audi ..
          54:44 Allies GB3 XD
          54:46 Allies PinkUnicorn why are you throwing?
          54:46 All GB3 lol
          54:48 Allies Shadow idk
          54:48 Allies PinkUnicorn i dont get it
          54:48 Allies Shadow i jkust saw them rosh
          54:50 Allies Shadow i have bb
          54:54 All Tomoya what is he doing
          54:54 All Tomoya lol
          54:56 Allies Shadow they just roshed
          54:58 All Tomoya someone write it up
          55:00 All antbug hes gonna commit suicide
          55:01 All antbug After game
          55:04 Allies PinkUnicorn you just fucking said we need to win a teamfight
          55:07 Allies Shadow ant this game only last
          55:08 Allies Shadow cuz of me
          55:08 Allies PinkUnicorn the fuck are you doing?
          55:10 All QKisMyName rice broke scourge. shadow broke sent
          55:10 All Tomoya rise throwing
          55:12 Allies Shadow pathetic
          55:14 All Tomoya but not as hard as shadow
          55:15 All SUPNUB last time i played vs shadow meepo he didnt help his team too
          56:30 Allies antbug good job
          56:32 Allies antbug gettign those
          56:33 Allies antbug raxxes
          56:34 Allies antbug shadow
          56:36 Allies antbug AHAHAHA
          56:39 Allies Shadow good kotl
          56:40 Allies Shadow once again
          56:48 Allies Shadow literally out of all the t1
          56:51 Allies Shadow ur by far worst one

          Shadow will be banned for 1 week for the cumulative 3 ban requests processed together.


            This is the game you reported.

            During the draft shadow asks for pudge or geo and whitefox gets him geo. Both team fight at bot rune at the start and tb gets first blood, but dies and lose rhasta as well and meepo is left low hp. Bot trilane immediately gets 2 kills for tb then rhasta and es rotate mid to try to gank lesh for meepo, but fail and rhasta dies when tc rotates however meepo kills tc. At around 3:30 meepo stays in lane very low hp and lesh kills him while es fissure is on cd. At 4:33 meepo is back in lane lvl 4 to lvl 6 lesh and dies in a face up fight. At 5:22 lesh takes meepos stack and shadow says he doesn’t want to play anymore while bot trilane is losing. At 6:20 rhasta comes mid to help meepo and meepo walks down to neutral while rhasta disables lesh then dies to him then meepo continues to neutral while bot and top start to win their lanes. At 8:43 tb kills top and tps bot to push while meepo neutrals away from bot while team fights and loses then tps bot tower while team is running and dies to lesh. Razor continues to win top and is 4-0 until around 12:30 when razor, rhasta, and es go in on top and get rotated on and die for 1 kill. A little after 14 minutes meepo, razor, rhasta, es are all in their woods when enemy shows up and meepo runs away immediately to base leaving both supports to die and razor narrowly tping out. A little before 16 minutes after meepo and tb push top a bit the rest of the team shows up and a fight breaks out in enemy woods meepo tps bot to push and team gets wiped. A little after 18 minutes all 4 teammates are pushing mid meepo is pushing bot tb tps out when enemy comes and the other 3 die which is when aims starts to complain about shadow not joining them and whitefox states that they need geo. At around 21 minutes meepo is pushing top solo and nearly dies to lesh then dies to cent while running away while tb and razor take mid tower and get 2 kills until lesh rotates and kills tb which is when bash also starts to complain about shadow. At 22:30 rhasta and razor at t2 bot tower with meepo then meepo tps top lane to push and enemy comes and kills both rhasta and razor. Aims and shadow continue to argue, bash states shadow is afk farming, and whitefox states that they need to 5 man. A little after 25 minutes razor and es try to kill lesh with rhasta close by but both die with meepo showing up late. At 26:30 enemy team pushes top rax and team wipes then takes top rax then pushes bot rax and kills rhasta while rest of team is infighting then they forfeit.

            02:24 Allies Shadow pudge me ?
            02:26 Allies Shadow or geo me
            02:28 Allies Whitefox ur geo
            02:29 Allies Whitefox mid
            02:30 Allies Shadow kk
            02:32 Allies Shadow last pick
            02:32 Allies Shadow tho
            05:43 Allies Shadow yo
            05:47 Allies Shadow lesh is gonna try to steal my stacks
            05:49 Allies Shadow plz ward here
            05:51 Allies Shadow and sentry
            09:53 Allies KORaidU cd
            11:53 Allies Shadow he just stole
            11:55 Allies Shadow my entire stack
            11:56 Allies Shadow -gg
            12:07 Allies Shadow i dont wanna play anymore
            12:09 Allies Shadow i told u guys he will
            12:43 Allies Shadow time to ff i tihnk
            12:50 Allies KORaidU up
            12:50 Allies KORaidU shut
            12:53 Allies KORaidU tb has 4 kills
            12:57 Allies KORaidU you aren’t only one can win game
            13:02 Allies Whitefox SHADOW
            13:02 Allies Whitefox FFS
            13:07 Allies Whitefox ok
            13:11 Allies Whitefox wont gank mid again
            13:13 Allies Whitefox free kill
            22:05 Allies Shadow push
            22:07 Allies Shadow already
            22:07 Allies Shadow lesh tpd
            22:14 Allies Shadow lesh tp’d
            22:15 Allies Shadow we just rat
            22:16 Allies Shadow fk them
            25:24 Allies KORaidU this is
            25:25 Allies KORaidU dumb
            25:26 Allies KORaidU always
            25:29 Allies KORaidU razor me and rhasta
            25:31 Allies Whitefox we are 3
            25:32 Allies KORaidU which isn’t enough
            25:42 Allies KORaidU this meepo gonna come at 60 mins
            25:45 Allies KORaidU i go back to farm
            25:50 Allies Shadow dude
            25:52 Allies Shadow we have tb + meepo
            25:55 Allies Shadow why are u guys fighting
            25:56 Allies KORaidU so what
            25:57 Allies Shadow we can literally
            25:58 Allies Shadow melt base
            26:02 Allies KORaidU we only need one player afk rice
            26:03 Allies KORaidU 4 gank
            26:04 Allies Shadow stop thinking like an lod player
            26:05 Allies KORaidU make space
            26:06 Allies Shadow KILLS DONT MATTER
            26:08 Allies Shadow fk the kills
            26:09 Allies Shadow push lanes
            26:10 Allies Shadow we win
            26:10 Allies KORaidU you literally afk rice every game
            26:19 Allies Shadow aims stop pretending
            26:21 Allies Shadow u know how to win
            26:23 Allies Shadow and push lanes
            26:23 Allies KORaidU you just
            26:27 Allies KORaidU worst teammate
            26:31 Allies KORaidU in lod and dota
            26:34 Allies KORaidU never teamplay
            27:56 Allies Whitefox we need geo
            28:13 Allies Shadow wow
            28:15 Allies KORaidU i wont
            28:16 Allies KORaidU come
            28:19 Allies KORaidU until shadow
            28:20 Allies KORaidU join
            29:12 Allies Bash grea tman
            29:13 Allies Bash fuckin great
            29:19 Allies Bash god
            29:23 Allies Bash why did u pick shadow meepo
            29:28 Allies Whitefox dunno
            29:30 Allies KORaidU im not
            29:31 Allies KORaidU coming
            29:32 Allies KORaidU until
            29:33 Allies KORaidU shadow join
            29:34 Allies Bash its 0 teamplay
            29:37 Allies KORaidU idc fucking lose
            29:39 Allies Bash its basically like putting dusa mid
            29:41 Allies Shadow why
            29:42 Allies Shadow fight
            29:42 Allies Whitefox lol
            29:44 Allies Shadow when bash just died
            29:46 Allies Bash jsut afk farm for 1 hour
            29:51 Allies KORaidU its not
            29:52 Allies KORaidU fight
            29:54 Allies KORaidU they force us
            29:55 Allies KORaidU tard
            30:13 Allies Whitefox we cant do shit unless we 5 man
            32:33 Allies KORaidU idk
            32:34 Allies KORaidU why we go
            32:39 Allies KORaidU 100 for bkb
            32:41 Allies KORaidU back to afk
            32:45 Allies KORaidU til meepo back
            32:48 Allies KORaidU serious
            32:52 Allies Bash shadow
            32:54 Allies Bash wanna not take my farm
            32:56 Allies KORaidU meepo could wipe them multiple times with his nuke
            32:56 Allies Bash and be useless
            32:58 Allies Bash thank you
            32:59 Allies KORaidU 800dmg
            33:07 Allies KORaidU he doesn’t care
            33:21 Allies KORaidU he believe you are non factor and he is only one can wina game
            33:27 Allies KORaidU not going to play with team
            33:47 Allies Shadow lol
            33:50 Allies Shadow im too weak to fight
            33:52 Allies Shadow u dont get it
            33:54 Allies Shadow lesh blows me up
            34:09 Allies Shadow look at that..
            34:10 Allies KORaidU too late
            34:10 Allies Whitefox -gg
            34:11 Allies KORaidU you are
            34:11 Allies Bash just let it end
            34:12 Allies KORaidU retarded
            34:12 Allies Whitefox fuck u shadow
            34:12 Allies KORaidU cuz
            34:15 Allies Shadow we cant team fight with a lesh ahead
            34:16 Allies KORaidU you let them free farming
            34:17 Allies Shadow im geo
            34:24 Allies KORaidU msasive aoe and you want to
            34:26 Allies KORaidU fucking afk
            34:27 Allies Shadow me splitting and tb splittign
            34:27 Allies KORaidU rice
            34:29 Allies Shadow is way to win
            34:34 Allies KORaidU how?
            34:34 Allies Shadow theres no massive aoe
            34:37 Allies Shadow i had no dagger
            34:38 Allies KORaidU you let them free farm?
            34:38 Allies Shadow wtf do u mean
            34:40 Allies KORaidU you pushed all lane
            34:41 Allies Shadow u think i just walk up
            34:43 Allies Shadow and poff
            34:44 Allies KORaidU tb had no lane to farm
            34:47 Allies KORaidU and you fucking got picked off
            34:51 Allies Shadow we need to split
            35:17 Allies Bash yo
            35:18 Allies Bash type gg
            35:19 Allies Bash game sover
            35:24 Allies Bash was ove rwhen u gave shadow meepo
            35:26 Allies Bash insta over
            35:29 Allies Whitefox true
            35:36 Allies Shadow u guys cant play
            35:38 Allies Shadow around meepo
            35:41 Allies Shadow u dont know how to rat
            35:46 Allies Shadow i made lesh chase me around map
            35:47 Allies Shadow all game
            35:54 Allies Shadow and u didnt wanna push
            35:56 Allies Shadow other lanes together
            36:40 Allies KORaidU -gg
            36:41 Allies KORaidU im goingto
            36:44 Allies KORaidU report this shadow
            37:04 All KORaidU yo
            37:05 All KORaidU shadow
            37:10 All KORaidU refused to join team
            37:13 All KORaidU multiple time
            37:19 All KORaidU im going to report and ban him
            37:20 All Shadow he wants me to fight lesh cent
            37:23 All Shadow tc
            37:25 All Shadow and luna
            37:26 All Shadow Hahah
            37:29 Allies KORaidU why
            37:31 Allies KORaidU fucking meepo then
            37:34 Allies Shadow i didnt
            37:34 Allies KORaidU if you afraid
            37:35 Allies Shadow i asked pudge
            37:35 Allies KORaidU retard
            37:38 Allies Shadow fox said u meepo
            37:39 Allies Shadow stfu already
            37:49 Allies Shadow fox assigned me meepo i asked for pudge
            37:54 Allies Shadow and i cant fight into those heroes
            37:56 Allies Shadow only can split push
            37:58 Allies Shadow i had no dagger
            38:00 Allies Shadow and u want me to fight
            38:01 Allies Whitefox u asked for geo
            38:04 All KORaidU meepo pushed all lanes
            38:05 Allies Whitefox u fucking moron shadow
            38:08 Allies Shadow i asked for pudge
            38:08 All KORaidU tb had no way to farm
            38:12 Allies Bash what a terrible game
            38:15 Allies Whitefox its 4/5
            38:16 Allies Shadow then u said ur meepo and i said or meepo
            38:17 Allies Shadow tf
            38:20 All SleepyBearFM like i didnt do shit
            38:21 All SleepyBearFM this game
            38:25 All SleepyBearFM but afk
            38:28 All Whitefox neither did shadow

            Shadow will be banned for 1 week for the cumulative 3 ban requests processed together. Request approved.


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