Ban supnub, possibly shadow

First Blood Gaming Forums Leagues Defense of the Ancients Ban Requests Processed Requests Ban supnub, possibly shadow

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  • #17184

      Your Warcraft III username: Pez
      Violator’s Warcraft III username: Shadow & Supnub
      Violated Rule(s): Constant negative attitude and complaining almost the entire game
      Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Chatlog/Below timestamps
      Additional Information: Shadow gets welcomed back into the league season after season but doesnt change. Not sure if its ban worthy, but can you at least give him a warning for being fucking annoying the entire game. Non-stop chat and trash talk.

      Before the game started, I picked supnub as he was the best pick in the lobby at the time. He told me I shouldn’t pick him because he wasnt going to try. He’s got some beef with me for some reason so that’s why he said this. He gave a poor performance to his standards and played carelessly many times. For example, every time I would use my relocate on him, he would just use his spirit to get away from wherever I had TP’d him. Below are some careless plays I saw after reviewing.

      Around 14:00 game time: Dies at tower from full HP
      Around 16:00: TP’s mid t1, runs to enemy top t2, and just dies without trying to escape
      Additionally, don’t forget to upload the replay!
      Watch him from like 18:30-25:30ish. He just hangs out AFK bot lane in the woods after blowing all his mana on a zeus. He’s just not trying. After this, he just walks around the entire map and doesnt hit a single creep for almost 5 mins. He ultimately, around 25:30 just suicides to creeps.

      If you need me provide more let me know, but this seems sufficient. The entire rest of the game was like this.

      Note: Ban requests missing any of the required information (specially timestamps) will be denied, without any further notice.


        Oh yeah, i forgot to mention that he muted me in game as well. Said he was gonna do that and he did.


          Early lane stage he gets ganked mid by ES a couple times pretty unavoidable, but this does clearly tilt sup
          12:03 Allies SUPNUB 2nd roam
          12:03 Allies SUPNUB mid
          12:05 Allies SUPNUB by es
          15:09 Allies SUPNUB -gg
          8 minutes in supnub dives t2 on ES and get killed with no kill
          16 minutes he kills ES top then 4 tps and he dies
          18:30 minutes he tries to kill ES alone and dies to 3
          21 minutes team gets caught sup stays back then wanders around and camps pushing top for the next few minutes
          25 minutes pez tps sup to join team and sup ults back to where he was then tps base
          26 minutes team fight pushed mid after shadow gets caught alone they initially lose team fight but recover and win it after
          28 minutes sup takes top t2 tower then tps base while enemy is raxing them jumps in and dies to lc full team fight loss
          31 minutes sup and shadow push out the recently raxed bot lane alone and both die to LC and Rhasta
          33 minutes full team fight woods while LC roshed they won the fight initially then lost it hard when Shadow got picked and they grouped for huge ES ult
          36 minutes they get raxed mid then pick kills on defense
          37 minutes they successfully defend top t2 tower
          38 minutes there is a team call to all go mid and push everyone goes except Sup who is chasing zeus alone top using up his ults while his team wins the mid fight then he joins them and they push mid rax and get 1 while getting their top base tower backdoored but they kill jugg in the process
          44 minutes enemy roshes and ends top sup can’t do anything at this point really
          I don’t think that sentry would have changed much even though Prized was willingly hard 5ing and had sentries up around the map because LC and ES both had dagger so their invis wasn’t as much of a factor since they were killing by daggering in and only repositioning with lothars.

          I watched the whole game again from pez’s perspective to see if he was pushing waves and stealing farm and he wasn’t really. He was only waving creeps when they were pushing the tower or if the lane was completely empty with his cores farming in either jungle or other lanes. He played with the team the whole game and watching from his perspective you can see just how noticeably absent supnub was the whole game. He was off doing his own thing and almost actively seemed like he was avoiding the team unless they had to defend. I don’t think it was blatant throwing from sup, but it was definitely low effort play as well as a clear tilt against pez if what pez said about the lobby chat is true. He said he was not going to try if pez picked him and then watching the game it does seem like Sup was being low effort and not really playing with the team.

          Shadow’s chat was also not good like it says in the ban request. Typical draft spamming for what he wants then saying his captain wants him to lose because he didn’t give him what he wants. The Chakra situation there was no way to save shadow he just got caught. When he says he is taking wave shadow was neutraling that whole time and pez was defending because there were like 3 or 4 there and then shadow gets caught in woods and dies. Like I explained about pez he wasn’t stealing creeps or pushing waves in lane stage he was with team most of the game and pushing for towers or in completely empty lanes that were pushing their way. Also shadow was told to pipe from the start and again when he had the gold and still just went radiance anyway.

          04:24 Allies Mipastew …
          04:31 Allies Mipastew bruh why u pick me but nt once ever
          04:33 Allies Mipastew did u give me wat i want
          04:33 Allies Mipastew idgi
          04:39 Allies Mipastew u pursepoy wanna ruin my winrate?
          04:53 Allies Mipastew ur funny man
          05:03 All Mipastew enjoy ur free win
          08:29 Allies Matt we need pipe shadow
          08:35 Allies Mipastew radi it is
          14:14 Allies Mipastew breh
          14:18 Allies Mipastew if u
          14:20 Allies Mipastew chakrad me
          14:22 Allies Mipastew like a fkin human
          14:24 Allies Mipastew id kill him
          14:31 Allies Mipastew literally u have a mango and chakra
          14:34 Allies Mipastew and u dont use any on me
          14:36 Allies Mipastew at 50 mana
          17:19 Allies Mipastew 1/5 ember
          17:20 Allies Mipastew fun game
          17:42 Allies Mipastew so ur taking
          17:43 Allies Mipastew wave too
          17:44 Allies Mipastew wtf man
          19:46 Allies Matt shadow
          19:48 Allies Matt we need pipe
          19:49 Allies Matt not radience
          20:02 Allies Mipastew keep pushing waves
          20:04 Allies Mipastew then telling me wat to do
          28:30 Allies Mipastew let the lanes push pez
          28:31 Allies Mipastew so ur cores
          28:32 Allies Mipastew can farm
          28:36 Allies Matt my core is feeding
          28:37 Allies Mipastew learn how to dota
          28:39 Allies Mipastew jesus christ man
          28:43 Allies Mipastew ur giving them fre farm
          28:50 Allies Matt im a core now
          28:56 Allies Mipastew no ur stealing my lane farm
          28:59 Allies Mipastew ive been jungle 5 mins
          33:13 Allies Mipastew im a core..
          33:15 Allies Mipastew ur a pos 5 kotl
          33:17 Allies Mipastew a bad one too
          35:29 Allies Mipastew bro
          35:46 Allies Mipastew wtf ck
          35:47 Allies Mipastew why arent u
          35:49 Allies Mipastew front lining for me
          36:05 Allies Mipastew winzlo
          36:08 Allies jwinzlo i wasnt even there
          36:09 Allies Mipastew why r u making me go front
          36:10 Allies Mipastew idgi
          36:12 Allies Mipastew ur running away
          36:16 Allies Mipastew u know
          36:18 Allies Mipastew if he ults u
          36:19 Allies Mipastew and u use ur ult
          36:21 Allies Mipastew it stops it right?
          36:26 Allies jwinzlo yes
          36:26 Allies Mipastew why ru making me tank it
          36:28 Allies Mipastew SO THEN
          36:31 Allies Mipastew play smarter..111
          37:42 Allies Mipastew cant even farm anymore
          37:46 Allies Mipastew pez is doing it on purpose
          39:45 Allies Mipastew well gg
          45:23 Allies Mipastew u guys are pretty bad

          Supnub will be banned for 1 day for low effort play, Shadow will be banned for 1 day for refusing to listen to captain and toxic behavior, and Pez will be warned for what he said to Sup in dms. Request approved.


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