brq elf

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  • #16735

      Your Warcraft III username: chipskylark
      Violator’s Warcraft III username: theelfshadow
      Violated Rule(s): troll/tk
      Time of Violation (in-game or replay):lvl4+
      Additional Information: I know elf likes to take liberties with his build, and that’s fine, but this is just ridiculous. Everyone with half a brain would’ve ended up with 4 dks 7 here. His roll is completely straightforward. There exists no universe where a druid lvl 4 can work out, not to mention the rest of the shit he covered his lane with. Even elf knows it, I’m sure, hence the brq. He should play pubs if he wants to troll.


        Well, thank you for your input on my lane build. The decision making process was not yours to make. and I am sorry you feel that I was trolling you. I assure you I was not. When was their send? 6, so what I was doing was staying full value 3/0 until they sent. when they sent on 6, I was wrecked. end of story, then i tried to play catch-up the rest of the game until we won.

        You and I have a lot of banter back and forth, but now I see that must end. I have forgiven your flame in the past, and now that can no longer be, and that is truly a shame. How you treat others in game is a true repesentation of who you are as an fbg player. This Ban Request, and the language used also a shame. You should probably either stay in lihl from now on, Where you may expect others to play their lanes perfectly, and rage on them, when they don’t.

        I will involve acp in the handling of this ban immediately

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by TheElfShadow.

          I reviewed the game and spoke to Elf. He says he miscalculated the gold for DK on 4 which you can see ingame where he sells the crabs and then pauses once he realises he doesn’t have enough gold. I believe him as it wouldn’t make any sense to build 2 crabs and then sell them for units you could have built on 3 and 4 without the crabs. With that said, he doesn’t explain any of this ingame which is definitely bad form. We all make mistakes like this now and then but the problem was it was not resolved properly in-game. I’ve spoken to Elf about just admitting his mistakes in future and not joking about it and he has promised to do so.

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