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  • #14550

      Your Warcraft III username:mslove

      Violator’s Warcraft III username:dpteacher

      Violated Rule(s):unsportsmanship behavior/teamkilling

      Time of Violation (in-game or replay): starts lvl3

      Additional Information:

      So its nothing new that me and dpteacher dont get along,
      same story as always he cries when a game fails.

      1.We started the game with a war send, which failed and we killed slowly, most likely a resend 2 incoming.
      purp(dpteacher) decide to push fully on lvl1 and go full rip every other lvl. resulting into a dead lane since lvl2.

      2.at start of lvl3 i needed fast afk since someone was at my door, which i announced at all chat.
      i come back and saw that he unpaused the game. cuz he was so mad about his tk.

      NOTE:i have zero prove of it and i will try to ask every player that was involved in that game, that he maybe can confirm it.
      I asked allready 4/5players and all say they dont remember.

      this guy sending me always dm´s on discord whenever a game fails and blames me as much as he can.
      i had to block him, cuz its went into a really annoying state.

      Thanks for your time,

      merry x-mas to the mod team.


        I’ll just leave a small explanation:

        1. You took king away early (see my ban request)
        2. I got tilted from that, I asked you to give me back the king u denied it.
        3. I ranted inside, I didnt expect a level 2 send because leaks werent long. I pushed and should have cancelled wisp and up the 2. geo. It was a pretty bad play which snowballed my lane into rip. I fucked up yes. Pretty bad even. But just because i got tilted in that one moment i should have cancelled wisp.
        4. Therefore I just played bad.
        5. I NEVER unpaused the game. I thought someone unpaused it and he back, NOONE did pause again so EVERYONE thought he back. I dont know why, but its a fact. If someone thought he wasnt back, everyone woulda just paused again. To conclude: drama for nothing


          I rewatched the game and figured out you are even afk yourself at lvl 3 starting since you didnt do wisp or something. For some seconds and THEN you write in chat someone is at the door and pause the game.

          After unpause you just missed only 15 seconds. Enemy team could have also unpaused it. Ofc if you ask the people they a) wont remember or b) dont want to remember that they unpaused. After the 15 sec you push lumber jack for 3/2 which is total tk. And on top of that you up Birdman going 3/2 with cw, 2x lubber, captain and a birdman into lvl 4. Maybe stop watch other lanes, stop going afk on purpose to blame others and try to concentrate on your own build.


            it literally says who unpaused the game in-game, and someone knows who unpaused. we do not act on suppositions. it is the responsibility of the brq poster to show proof of violated rules. since there is no proof in this instance, this request is denied.


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