Fauche and Wucked

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  • #16514

      If you wish to report a player, please post a new topic, following this format:

      Your Warcraft III username: Victian
      Violator’s Warcraft III username: 1. facure, 2. wicked
      Violated Rule(s): 1. don’t be hostile towards trials 2. respectful behavior, no flaming
      Time of Violation (in-game or replay): started about lvl 9 and kept on going
      Additional Information: so since the bot is broken atm, it was said we should play games just for fun. our team couldn’t agree on which lvl to do a fun send, so me and face forced a send on 10. since facure and wicked seemed to disagree about a lot of things they started provoking each other a lot with the occasional flaming also.
      I told both to let it be, but they just wouldn’t. I think facure should just know better than provoking a trial and being just generally hostile to him. I do understand him a little though, since even earlier wicked reacted very poorly to some very very needed criticism about his build…
      So about wicked I think some mod or his mentor should have a talk with him about how to handle such a situation better…

      Additionally, don’t forget to upload the replay!

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by H4ken.
      • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by H4ken.

        well not true “we forced” you did mate, and thats a rule break also, i just said go? and than u sent.. i waited team to send pretty much, than purple also called u to “force send”..

        that guy was 7/0 eas, to start all, its not even close to fbg level imo.. if he doesnt know to play eas.. and than started to trash talk and send all lvls… so many rules broken from everyone in our team i’d say. anyway, wicked is not ready for a vauch.. and he needs mucho help


          Gotta correct myself here. I started the send on 10, after the team was 50 50 about it. Don’t think it matters though.


            well i watched the replay to read the chat again.. he was flamming me, not the oposite lol, wtf, did u see the replay? i just said 7/0 eas was bad for 5, what it is, and i didnt even knew he was a trial, and if i did, whatever, 7/0 eas is bad.. was just teaching him.. not flamming.. he started flame, i said i was going to report him.. whats wrong? than called him a noob after he insults us, is that really flame?


              After watching the replay again, it now seems to me that actually wickeds communication overall was far worse than facures and I also got the feeling that most provocations were initiated by wicked aswell. I didn’t realize exactly how poorly wicked behaved while playing the game.


                This games has already been reviews from feedback channel. Everyone’s behavior this game was unnecaptable. From blaming a trial from a small mistake at the begging till straight up gameruining and provocations left and right. I ain’t gonna act upon this as it has been discussed already. Be more friendly to trials and actually recognise what is a “huge” mistake and what is not. It was a game without even stats to be recorded and it went pretty far without a specific reason.In future please try to be more friendly in your games. Thanks

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