Full TK, flame

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  • #2876

      Your Warcraft III username:Krocis
      Violator’s Warcraft III username:all team
      Violated Rule(s): tk, flame
      Time of Violation (in-game or replay):all game long
      Additional Information:
      So lets start,
      i will do everything step by step color by color.
      called aod which was ok, but his build was obvious leak on lvl 4 , i even told him but he just ignored my advice coz he hates me ,which made him not AOD and leaking 12units on lvl 4 which caused not covering lvl 6 7 and end up sui due to call 12 ,but ok other things happened due to situation , but we cud ez avoid this situation if he didnt fail ez build
      next step was autoking on lvl 7 which cost us extra heal on 7 and prolly cost us game on race lvl 12-also lvl 12 was not neccessery at all coz we outrolled them hard, he wud cover 6 and we cud ve full 7 (ye into mola and 4yggs) BUT we wud have 2 fat lanes with covering lvl 6 , there are many aspects of game to see just watch replay this game was pure throw,
      and finally,
      he was obviously mad on himself , he knew he self tked, and team tked, and when i told him so, he was even more mad and started to flame me hard just bcoz i blame for tk, instead of saying simply sorry i tked guys.
      but this i dont really expect from such a guy.
      after all we called send lvl 7, we knew they ygg, but he ofc sent wyvs over bos-ok not so hard mistake but, this is in-house league and i expect ppl to do better, all in all not so much bad game for him since he was yolo and he did it
      roll- lod, ghost,guard,novice dont remember other
      he full pushed lvl 1 3/0 and planned necro for 3, which is FULL TK risking so much on lvl 2 and 3 with dat roll and according to other rolls in our team,he was supposed to do safe play coz dat is, as we all know ,carry roll doesnt matter if slow or fast game
      so he leaked like 12 units at lvl 2, skipping t2 or t3 for lvl 2 made him to stay 3/0 and up necro for 4 (if he wanted push he cud still t2 for 2 and push for 4) but no he decided to ob later OK lets move on,
      next step he was supposed to cover lvl 12 which was race, ppl told him to NOT DOING LODS and to do cavas on lvl 12 , ofc he decided to waste 600 gold for 2 uselees lods on lvl 12, also pushing 7/4 was tk by him coz he was only one covering lvl 12 for race

      All in all, all of those “small” mistake cost us game so obvious, coz we outrolled other team so hard, just tk builds,tk calls tk kc, and after all bad atmosphere in team leaded us to lose game.
      So i request to ban them all for TK, and for intentional tk and flame for red.


        just added fixed replay


          You missed saying how you kept trash talking to whole team, whole game. And how i didnt flame u untill u went too far, and you made the game unplayable with your constant crying.

          Maybe we should make a “krocis league” so you can go and play it by yourself, and yourself. That should make you happy.

          P.s. I dont hate you, i just think you are annoying.


            As spoken, the replay uploaded belongs to the enemy team, therefore there’s no way for us to check chat & analyze the ban request.

            If you have the correct replay (with your team chat), you can re-post, and we will take a look.

            Ban request denied


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