ILLEGAL swap, pussy style

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  • #14976

      If you wish to report a player, please post a new topic, following this format:

      Your Warcraft III username: Shamblino
      Violator’s Warcraft III username: Reid, Tin, Haken, Speedy, Evan, multiple others,
      Violated Rule(s): Illegal as fuck Swap
      Time of Violation (in-game or replay): During que FBG ltd #30
      Additional Information: This is a game that was hosted for no more than 3 minutes that swapped and started a game immediately. I waited for a host, there was none for a minute or two so I went to take a quick piss. I came back well within 3 minute mark of lobby host and just sit there in observer while they countdown and say sorry, we swapped. They deserve lengthy bans for this it’s complete bullshit, everybody knows it, the lobby was hosted quite late, I waited and kept refreshing game list. Tin needs the most ban here, as he continues to abuse his LIHL privileges in fbg. Thank you for your time.

      Additionally, don’t forget to upload the replay!

      Note: Ban requests missing any of the required information (specially timestamps) will be denied, without any further notice.


        coerced them one too many time tinsoldier


          How come everyone can join by the time before we swapped you, we had 7 players waiting and 3 players in spectator. I pretty much instantly hosted the game and we all have to consistently wait for you to be the last one to join every single game. You waste all our times because for some reason your time is more precious? Honestly dude we swapped you, in discord before you joined the game. Stop wasting peoples time and just move on the game lasted like 10 mins and rock dced. You joined the next game.


            I didn’t even pay attn tbh someone said in voice go roll in chat we need a swap so I rolled. I didn’t look who missed lobby or how long it was up even I just rolled n got swapped.


              Tin did swap you before 5 minutes from the bot announcing the lobby host however given that he swapped you back after the new rules on swapping were explained to him there was no harm done. On the other hand, Reid swapping u out again after the rules have been explained and you are present is definitely malicious in my book.

              Reid is banned 12hr.

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