nikolasik ban request, reply to fantom

First Blood Gaming Forums Leagues Defense of the Ancients Ban Requests Processed Requests nikolasik ban request, reply to fantom

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  • #13991

      since the topic was closed before I could reply, I’ll reply here:

      Me not feeling like playing Puck has absolutely NOTHING to do with how niko played and is completely irrelevant to the topic.
      Why is it so hard to stick to the topic?

      Like I’ve said several times in here, but u keep ignoring: His starting items is enough to be worthy of at least a warning.
      If he had just 1 clarity or mango, he couldve saved the overextending dazzle at top rune and we couldve killed leoric when he went to the sideshop without mana around 0:46.
      So before 1 min had even passed, he missed a save and a kill, due to ridiculously noobish starting items.

      If I bought those starting items it wouldve been called trolling or griefing.

      there is not a single player in fbg that doesnt know u should get mana items with a support trilane es, from the start. except niko.

      There is no excuse for his suicide at tower min 0, altho you try to make one for him.
      Fenix clearly had a healpot, knowing that he should never try and chase him.
      Even if he didnt have healpot, he still shouldnt chase there.
      But like I said, he simply shouldnt chase useless support kills, as support es, min 1. His job is to secure my kills and farm, not run behind towers min 1, chasing useless support kills.
      Him hitting two targets with a fissure doesnt change this fact.

      theres NO excuse for a low mana or out of mana es, when he has clarity. no excuse.
      he also only died cus he waited extremely long to save himself with fissure. he could easily have stunned them and survived, but waited for no reason.
      90% of his job on the lane is to have fissure ready, if he cant even do that hes more or less of no use.

      cant believe how u put more blame to team at the 5.00 situation, rather than to niko.
      this is utterly ridiculous how youre turning everything around and ignoring half the reality, to make him look as good as possible. already now i can see where this is going. you have a clear agenda here, youre not looking at it from a prof perspective.
      his fissure here was the worst fissure of all fissures and whole team clearly got tilted from it.

      at the 7.24 theres no excuse for his ridiculous fissure. all he had to do was stun the target.
      why even try to make up excuses, when its clear and obvious for even the biggest noob that he should just stun the target.

      “17:30 – This is the only play I can’t really explain”
      dude, stop trolling. you clearly cant explain lots of his moves in this game. no one can, not even himself.
      im not the only one thinking this.

      ur comments regarding 19.00 just proves that youre clearly taking the piss and dont rly care, u just have an agenda.
      this is utterly ridiculous.

      he had tp and full mana in fountain but WALKS to the fight at bot tower, rather than TP.
      he was half way there when 2 of his teammates died. he could easily have saved 1-2 teammates if he had just tp’ed.
      how the FUCK do you not see that?!
      how can you explain this, except calling it griefing???

      “oh my team is fighting at 2nd tower bot, i better walk all the way there, while praying fight isnt over when i reach them, rather than use my fucking tp”.

      youre also ignoring several insane misplays from niko, like how he failed to stun the target when they chased me bot and i died for it. he literally stunned air with 2nd ability and wasnt even close to hitting a hero with it.

      you cant use the “you cant play well when being flamed” argument for this es buying boots and 0 mana pots, resulting in him missing a save and a kill within first 50 seconds of the game.
      how is he impacted from flames that didnt exist yet? lmfao.

      i didnt single him out. i also told dazzle it was a big mistake to go poison instead of grave at lvl 2.
      dazzle didnt make huge misplays 20 times from that point on tho.
      if you make that many huge misplays, its not being singled out when you take som heat, its just being rly bad.

      people have taken barns and warnings for much less than what niko did in this game.

      you have clearly shown here you werent capable of looking at it from a neutral, professional and non-biased perspective.
      as expected, sadly.

      it has also been proven theres no lower limit for how bad u can play without even being warned.

      you cant call it an inhouse league if theres no lower skill limit. just call it a pub league then.

      with all the “but hes a nice guy” remarks flowing around, it feels more like a popularity contest and a social club, rather than what it’s supposed to be: an inhouse dota league where the focus is on the dota play and not peoples personalities.

      forums has officially lost all credibility, and what is an inhouse league without forums?
      Not only because of the way it was mishandled in here, but also because of the way it was instantly taken to the discord, but took 3-4 days to be handled in here.
      this just oozes unprofessionalism.

      you couldve been a prof and warned him and said next time like this it’s a ban, and it wouldve been instantly over with.

      instead you took it to discord, made a huge fuss about it, started talking about other stuff that had nothing to do with it, lost one of your best and most active players, that also increased activity level by gathering people to play, and you made forums lose its credibility.



        adding to the 19.00 incident where he for unknown reasons didnt tp:

        when he finally reaches the bot tower, theres a nyx in tower, but he fails to fissure him, he stuns air, again.

        ThEreES OnLy OnE InCiDeNt i CaanT eXplAin


          I gotta agree with the MVP of this forum. Clear gameruin should unvouch ATLEAST (possible jail time aswell).


            ^Like I said, a social club.

            Fantom talking shit in discord doesnt change the facts either.

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