Re-vouch attempt


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  • #22959

      Tell us what other previous league or in-house experience you have: LoD
      Provide a list of aliases. These are names that people might recognize you as: Veinmetal
      What is your Discord account? Veinmetal
      If possible, provide a list of FBG players who might know you or that you are acquainted with: ThePoet, Blackframe, Zoidos,Zen, SLutkidta, Smug, Bananaslug, Natas, Purpleweed, Bmods, Faboulousazn, SirCharles, Yamato-gun, FlowerSnow, Chuch-Norris, NPC,
      Tell us realm you are using to play (NA/EU/ASIA): NA
      Any additional information that you would like to providece you have:r
      I am not racist but it is often my go to escape sometimes when i lose my temper. Once again, as i repeat it many times, if racism applies to me, it would be for hating my own people (i am romanian and have 0% romanian friends). My best friend for 22 years is lebanese. At internet cafee I was friendly with everyone. We were about 10 koreans, 5 chinese, 1 amerindian, 1 russian, 2 ukranians, 2 romanians, 5 irish-french canadians, 3 blacks, 3 mexicans, etc.
      All of us were friends more or less, but never enemies. We played in-house 5v5 dota games, etc.

      I go full racist sometimes in chat, and it is because modern agenda is a modern disease. It is non stop lies. In society I am often on the defensive because too many people are utilizing the Race Card. It dazes the IQ. I lose IQ everytime I am questioned by people if I am racist or not. It’s a new thing, just like shemales in women’s sports, MeToo agenda movement, transexual rights for 9 year olds. Everything went to demonic extremes. Which is why I am allergic to Zoidos extreme liberal behavior.
      However, I do understand TOS rules and why it is unnacceptable to behave racist.
      It is a deep feeling of hatred that wounds your heart deep within. I’ve been subject of racism and it hurt really badly. So i have sufficient empathy do understand how it feels if i am hurting somebody with racial slurs.
      This fking asswipe Aimskjs piece of shit put me on ignore in whysper telling me “i dont say he is right but you are racist. im not talking with racist”. He blocked me and this is exactly what i am talking about. The fking idiot acts holier than the pope, holier than a nun.
      Everyone is frustrated with something and has flaws. Zoidos is probably the most toxic individual in LoD, eager to insult you at the slightest mistake. Yet he is the one to hate “the racists”
      Nobody is perfect.

      And i do apologize to Blackflame for the insults I sent his way on the last game. I had sex with over 200 women. Many of them black. If I had a family, I’d probably prefer my wife to be romanian or European.
      Because I am attracted to the women that I see my children with. I would not love to have a mini Drake type of mullato. Or a hapa. I am not racist. I think mixt race people can be very attractive. All sorts of mixes are very attractive and also good for the health, because the bloods are far away from incest. Cousins marrying each other can give birth to handicapped children.
      Would I marry a black woman? Out of desperation, maybe. But I prefer some ethnic background who is closer to me. It’s only natural.
      Some people prefer exotic relationships, outside their ethnic background. Other people feel more attracted to their own.
      Some white girls only date exclusively black guys.
      There is only one race, the human race. It’s just that some people prefer more conservative views, and closer to their ethnics.

      The worst nightmare for me, is if Europeans would mix with africans, and the 40 million germans in USA would mix with latinos, asians and blacks. It would be Hell on Earth.
      Because you loose one of the most beautiful “cosmetics” on planet Earth. The white people.

      This is why i find it pathetic that you jirk offs such as Zoidos and Aimskjs are so triggered by racist speeches.
      I apologized many times when i lost my temper and i also explained many times how i am NOT a racist.
      A true racist, is someone who lives in Texas suburbs who can’t stand black people and slurs all the time. Or a black thug from the bloods or the crips, with black panther pride, fking white hoes like dumpsters and respecting the black hood.

      There is sufficient hatred in the world. I am not one of them. I have my own issues, and my mentally disturbing secrets. But I am not an evil person.

      Thanks for reading.

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