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  • #18455

      Tell us what other previous league or in-house experience you have: FBG, JUB, and I once played lihl somehow thanks to hyo, anda and redrum
      Provide a list of aliases and other accounts. These are names that people might recognize you as:
      Discord account: will join soon
      BattleTag on Bnet: RetardedDog#21910
      If possible, provide a list of LIHL players who might know you or that you are acquainted with:
      proceed, sanbaidli, theelfshadow, fbgcryptical, souljase, pluun, eternalflame, jaguar, gulp
      Any additional information that you would like to provide:
      I learnt about covering levels, and what changed units are OP in the new meta. I am a willing follower and recognize all the pros in fbg and lihl. I can KC, cover, push, hold and call if needed. I mostly have to work on call. I can also try to micro other lanes if needed. Well obviously it isn’t in LIHL and I would love to learn all the lihl strategies. I learnt all the starndard yolos such as aqua, turret, engines, ns, prisoner, malf, disc and ea. I also learnt many from the cheatsheet plus the changes. I love cannons. And I found out about the new changed unit which is god tier on lvl 1 vs warrior with 3/0.

      Also please attach some replays so we can analyse your current skill level
      Coming soon in extra posts


        Rejoin Discord first – and apply following the requirements afterwards.


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