Unvouch request ikakela

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  • #23101

      Your wc3 username: 1010
      Violator’s username: ikakela
      Time of violation:
      min 1 feeds fb for no reason.
      min 2 misses pull when lane is pushed.
      min 3 afks back and forth not auto attacking or using single spell even when they come up lasthit/deny.
      min 4:20: misses stun on everyone, doesnt hex cent before stomp even with mango in inventory. blocks me as well, proceeds to feed himself.
      min 6: same exact thing, standing right on top of me, misses stun, doesnt hex.

      after getting griefed out of a winning lane top, i tp bot and get dived by magnus at min 7:10. the shaker is afk nearby and does not notice. mid is also in really bad shape, so i tp mid to defend/farm.

      min 8:30: goes into meele range of naix and makes another feed play. from this point on he tps bot and basically goes afk running in circles.
      for the next 10 mins, lion is out of position for almost every single fight not being able to land a single spell.

      min 18: i ping the naix overextended mid, who has no vision of us. he hexes naix out of fog (good), then walks meele range and completely misses stun. at this point their team reacts and kills us with naix.

      min 23:40: after running around for 5 mins, proceeds to feed again.
      min 25: team forces fight after shaker just died top. gets wiped.

      at this point invoker, shaker, and supports are pushing out all lanes that are safe to farm leaving me with literally no space. lion is also following me around leeching xp all game. they get rosh

      min 28:30: at this point naix mag and tusk are alone (centaur + jakiro are missing). catching naix ageis here is only chance we have to not lose rax. both supports are however still in base getting rdy to defend high ground because they have no game sense whatsoever.

      lets see if admins unvouch players who grief game from start, or if they ban the player who goes afk last 2 mins when team refuses to gg.


        Min 1: He got caught by the tusk, tusk was out of vision so he didnt expect to get blocked by ice shards like that. Unlucky.
        Min 2: Police was the one pulling, can blame police just as much for that.
        Min 3: True, not very active gameplay. He did listen to your “stand back a little” though.
        Min 4:20 This is not true, he used all spells, snowball managed to negate the stun, was wp from carlo. The reason you died is cus you blocked yourself with an ironwood branch and failed to eat it.
        Min 6: he stunned all and hexed, what the fuck man, you watched this replay yourself or what?

        This is a report on ikakela i’m not gonna focus on other players.

        Min 8:30: Yeh but he didnt die by the naix, instead he got ganked.

        Min 18: Ye, that wasnt good, but such things may happen in a game. It looked like he misclicked, thats why he walked to him

        Min 24: space created i’d say. It’s not like he blindly rushed into the enemy, he got caught by blink naix who also has dust

        Min 25: It can be argued that it wasn’t a bad play.

        Min 28: That was completely your fault for dying, idk what i have to look at here other than you dying.

        Well your last 2 mins certainly did give you a ban, so you got that right.

        In conclusion:
        Yes, lion walked arounbd the map ALOT without hitting creeps. This is not an immediate unvouch, cus otherwise we wouldve lost all our t4s already. However, Ikakela has to learn from this that he is allowed to farm sometimes when he’s not doing anything so that he can get some items quicker.
        About lion playing bad throughout the game: I disagree. Sure he made some mistakes, but it couldve happened to anyone. I wouldnt call this grounds for unvouch NOR game ruin ban.

        Ban request: Denied

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