unvouch XYU

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  • #21805

      due to popular request, some further evidence for the ‘why are we letting him play’

      • This topic was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by Dorimu.
      • This topic was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by Dorimu.

        I fully support his unvouch, from bad player to bad player with shit attitude.
        Poor building skill, spam the chat with non sense, 0 teamplay, troll on purpose, pause 90% of his games, afk ig, etc….Since he feels hes not new in fbg anymore, he dont listen to advices, play his own tk game despite the game being a 4v4 game.
        Big disgrace to the fbg community.
        500-600 elo his first season here, already bot1 this season but still he have no issue to trash talk others builds or calls.

        • This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by ep1lepik.

          Please use the correct BRQ format.


            What a surprise, both these players don’t like me and want to unvouch me..

            In this replay we can see he flames me and his behaviour is not far from mine at all.

            He also ninja steals king at level 9, which results us in barely living.

            As for my actions – everyone was quiet in beginning of game, and oj always vetoes my calls, no matter what. I said can’t wait to leak 5 creeps to the given call(send 3), they leaked 3 bos only.

            I had a vision of how to maybe play this game, but it was “vetoed”, followed by calls that put us in even worse position in the game. Calls that are based on “hope” as redindian says it ingame.

            Our “captain” said at later level of game (14/15), which made me even more frustrated.

            Whole game was clash of opinions. That what ep1lepik calls trashtalk calls is for me discussing my version.

            Overall, i dont think this is a great game from me, but i dont think oj(redindian) displayed anything different from what i did in terms of flame and breaking rules.

            And i always listen to lihl players about builds(95% of time); calls i still discuss when lihl player is present to gain more insight and knowledge, as they would tend to tell me why my call is bad or theirs is good.

            I think there is a lot more i need ot learn about the game, but its funny how others think when they have some more experience they can totally shit on you and cross you out. sry fbg gods, one day i will reach your skill(maybe)


              What a surprise, both these players don’t like me and want to unvouch me..

              In this replay we can see he flames me and his behaviour is not far from mine at all.

              He also ninja steals king at level 9, which results us in barely living.

              As for my actions – everyone was quiet in beginning of game, and oj always vetoes my calls, no matter what. I said can’t wait to leak 5 creeps to the given call(send 3), they leaked 3 bos only.

              I had a vision of how to maybe play this game, but it was “vetoed”, followed by calls that put us in even worse position in the game. Calls that are based on “hope” as redindian says it ingame.

              Our “captain” said at later level of game (14/15), which made me even more frustrated.

              Whole game was clash of opinions. That what ep1lepik calls trashtalk calls is for me discussing my version.

              Overall, i dont think this is a great game from me, but i dont think oj(redindian) displayed anything different from what i did in terms of flame and breaking rules.

              And i always listen to lihl players about builds(95% of time); calls i still discuss when lihl player is present to gain more insight and knowledge, as they would tend to tell me why my call is bad or theirs is good.

              I think there is a lot more i need ot learn about the game, but its funny how others think when they have some more experience they can totally shit on you and cross you out. sry fbg gods, one day i will reach your skill(maybe)


                From a dm, here what l thought abt you.
                Thought your attitude improved, now you show nothing but disrespect. My opinion is based on how you act, its up to you to show you are better than the piece of garbage you are right now.
                Im not the only one in fbg dodging you or unhappy when teamed up with you.
                Right now l truly believe the league will be much better with you out.


                  Who else is dodging me? As far as I can see, its mainly you… Don’t make it seem like the whole server dodges me.. Plenty of players I duo with, have banter and enjoy games…

                  And replays and games where you guys aren’t present tend to go more then fine for me and everyone in lobby(ie when someone is not on my case nonstop saying how bad I am, I can then focus on my game.)

                  Sure, I might have some bad games, but how come you never said xyu did op when I do? Just on the negative side is easy, but put forward my good games too.

                  Also, when you say “he doesn’t listen” you can’t expect me to listen to 3 players trying to micromanage my lane(which is almost always the case, especially when I am in lobby with the big professors), most of the time my lane turns into a clown fiesta. I’d prefer to take my chances and follow heart. But as previously mentioned, if it’s lihl or someone I know to be op player, I listen to them 95% of time. And in my eyes, in cases where I “didn’t listen”, if you actually tried with another way around, less appaling, maybe I would’ve listened?! 🙂

                  Right now I truly believe you can stop hating and just move on.

                  I can upload my future games or previous, if requested by admins, as support/evidence.


                    I support this unvouch for your attitude more than for your 2 IQ builds.
                    for example, your MoE game show clearly the lack of respect you have for your mates, yesterday you insulted a pub player who joined your game for 0 reason (very good for fbg image).
                    You need so much attention that you try to be the clown every game instead of focusing on your builds.
                    And dw, there are way more than 2 players here who wants to see you out. You try to defend your trolling with “ye sometimes I have bad games”, I call it BS, you just dont care and obviously dont plan to improve since you getting worse and worse (attitude wise).
                    I dont think we ever had in fbg an unvouch request for someone who have “some bad games”, you dont realize how annoying it is to play with you. You have been here for a few months now I believe, you should know better how to act with others and you clearly dont.


                      cry all you want but i have this screenshot where i offer we move on and since then we played and i rarely flamed, if at all… you just have this mission to get me unvouched bcs u think i cant improve and what not.. u can have ur opinion, np, but how come when i play with other players who dont flame me or taunt me i never have issues with them?


                        I’m Closing this unvouch/brq here.

                        We require proper format to be used, and no effort has been made to use it. If you wish to re-open it please use the correct format.
                        I will say this, I saw it this replay, and that last BRQ I handled involving you. No one likes a know-it-all/Captain Hindsight. It is always recommended for a team to work together and discuss strategies and opinions about the game. In the end the final decision comes down to the captain in said game. (We won’t talk here about how captain is decided).
                        Now whether that call worked or failed, or whether you were right and captain didn’t follow your “opinion” or vice versa. It does the team atmosphere no good to hear about a fail call constantly or someone who gloats that their call worked. So learn to keep team morale up no matter the outcome.


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