Vouch Request

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  • #6986

      Tell us what other previous league or in-house experience you have: No League experience, played with friends for ~2months now.

      Provide a list of aliases and other accounts. These are names that people might recognize you as: None people might recognize, I go as Ssilhouette everywhere though.

      Discord account: Ssilhouette#3160

      BattleTag on Bnet: Silhouette#1934

      If possible, provide a list of LIHL players who might know you or that you are acquainted with: The players don’t know me, but I have been watching Lforward’s YouTube channel everyday for like a month now. I am familiarized with some of the high ranked players like theMOA from his videos, for example.

      Any additional information that you would like to provide: Got hooked into the game and would like to play in a competitive environment. I have played Dota 2 at a semi-pro level (low immortal ranks), AoE2 at a competent level (1800 ELO), aswell as MtG (low mythic ranks). I love competing, and LTD is a quite complex and nice game I would love to improve on.

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