Vouch request – Alan Rayne

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  • #15592

      Tell us what other previous league or in-house experience you have: FBG for quite some time, more than 2 years I think.
      Provide a list of aliases and other accounts. These are names that people might recognize you as: Alan Rayne
      Discord account: Alan Rayne#2695
      BattleTag on Bnet: AlanRayne#21134
      If possible, provide a list of LIHL players who might know you or that you are acquainted with: at this point I know almost all LIHL players, and some of them know me as well.
      Any additional information that you would like to provide:
      I followed the advices I got since my last LIHL application and I got out of my OB habit. I still make mistakes, most common being that I am not fully confident how much can I push on certain waves, since I used to always OB like a turd. But I’ve been working on it for the past 2-3 months and I started to understand better.
      I can improve a lot more, if I still don’t meet the minimum skill/knowledge to get a LIHL trial atm, I will get it next time for sure, but at least I can get a solid feedback now to see if I am on the good way.
      As for ELO, I doubt it matters, but since we have that new rule, I am over 1300 elo atm, and I have been in the top 15 since the season started. (uploaded a screen)


        Spoke with Alan in DMS and he’d like to do another vouch request with better replays.


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