Vouch Request-brocolli

First Blood Gaming Forums Leagues Defense of the Ancients Vouch Requests Denied Vouch Request-brocolli


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  • #22071

      Tell us what other previous league or in-house experience you have: none
      Provide a list of aliases. These are names that people might recognize you as: Broccoli
      What is your Discord account? Broccoli1_
      If possible, provide a list of FBG players who might know you or that you are acquainted with: Beyondgodlik
      Tell us realm you are using to play (NA/EU/ASIA): NA
      Any additional information that you would like to provide: I’m here and i wanna try out


        Hey Brocolli, welcome!
        Since you have no players to vouch for you and no prior experience you will have to play a test game with an admin. If you are approved on this you will have to observe an inhouse game with an admin and receive a trial talk.

        That’s the rest of the process, I’ll contact you on discord to see if we can arrange a test game.


          We played two test games with you. These were our experiences:

          First game you were riki, I specifically said you were carry. You farmed poorly as carry, other than that you played alright in the lane. In the mid game you were often running around aimlessly and not farming. Your item build and skill build were questionable, but nothing unacceptable. The game was pretty easy, you played good enough on riki.
          However, in inhouse games we look for other qualities than being able to play riki decent enough. For example if you are a carry you need to be able to farm, know how to use space, know at least a little bit that what to do at certain moments to get more money.

          We played a second game because there’s only so much you can see from a riki carry game. The second game was tested by Sleepybear mainly.
          You played lion support. The main concerns in this game were that you made 0 items in a 50+ min game. In a pub game this doesn’t leave a good impression. Your early game was alright. You tried warding but never really on spots that mattered in the game. Overall this game did not leave a good impression.

          Based on this we have come to the following verdict:
          Vouch Request: Denied

          We think you are not ready yet. Feel free to try again in the future after you have improved.

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