Vouch Request – Molotov

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  • #13608

      Tell us what other previous league or in-house experience you have: I only played at ENT gaming sever on old 1.28 battle.net all variations of legion td mega 3.41. ; I was a host of same version on Gameranger, RGC and w3arena..
      Provide a list of aliases and other accounts. These are names that people might recognize you as: Skuletic-pfc
      Discord account: Molotov#9846
      BattleTag on Bnet: Molotov#22134
      If possible, provide a list of FBG LTD players who might know you or that you are acquainted with: TheElfShadow ;Mighty ; Collos
      Any additional information that you would like to provide: I had a record of 32-0 at ENT legion td mega 1v1 with accont SKuletic-pfc, and about 1400 elo later. I play W3 since it appears, from 2004. I play ENT legions about 3 years between 2014-2017, then I continue playing on other servers until today. I am very experienced and every game I ask a team what we will do about sending. I prefer team to vote if someone not agree with something, I look all players in the team like we are equal and when team decide different options than I am I use to follow their lead and commands. I know all the towers capabilities because I am an expert especially in 1v1 where it comes to ”non-yolo” plays, I am flexible with value-wood combinations but I like to play near recommended value, but my main strategy is to focus on ”golds from income” segment of the game. Because I think its the primary part of good score. I use to play everyday when all of my duties are done because of that I never need to leave game or to be afk.

      • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Kappa.
      • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Kappa.



          Thanks, but what I supposed to do now? I can play LTD MEGA tour with elo?

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