Vouch request WallyTheMeow

First Blood Gaming Forums Leagues Defense of the Ancients Vouch Requests Trial Vouch request WallyTheMeow

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  • #3876

      Tell us what other previous league or in-house experience you have:Hey guys im looking for a league other than ENT to play in. With the lack of moderation I feel like the game quality has taken a huge nosedive and quite frankly im tired of having to babysit 35 year olds who like to act like theyre 10 on the internet. Maybe its always been that way and Covid is making it more obvious, never the less, I cant play there anymore, its too frustrating.

      Provide a list of aliases. These are names that people might recognize you as: Ive been playing dota 1 for nearly 20 years as a passtime, but I havent really made any “friends” in the last 5 + years, some of my names are Wallythemeow, CoverOfFortune,Tinydick(lol), but back in the day I believe my most common name was Bizzle or CoachQ or Korny. I reckon if anyone recognizes any name itd be Korny but its a stretch.
      What is your Discord account? Anthony#7593

      If possible, provide a list of FBG players who might know you or that you are acquainted with:
      Any additional information that you would like to provide: I dont know anyone in the league but I am really looking forward to becoming a regular user of this site if im allowed to. I play 4-5 ENT games daily and dont anticipate that changing, so yeah, this could be a good fit!


        Approved for trial

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