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  • in reply to: complaint Hyo and request that mute be removed #15704

      I have spoken to you in private about this EF and I will attempt to keep it short.

      Your engagement with Zinex was unnecessary and even after he asked to stop you persisted. You say that part of it spilled over from the previous game, but show no proof of that, nor can you expect admins who were not in that game to be aware. If his behavior was that egregious then you should be reporting him and we can treat that as its own issue.

      I do find Hyo’s language incorrect, as we should try to avoid using those words when dealing with the community but it seemed like you were making a bigger issue out of something small. We almost always try to give players a warning to knock it off or stop the behavior before going instantly into a mute, and I see Hyo did the same thing here.

      Like I’ve told you before, both sides deserve the same protection. If you asked a player to stop tagging you or doing something annoying and it continued, they also would deserve a mute, or ban if the harassment persisted. Then you told me someone did this but it was only b/c you were the last player to join a game and they were all waiting. You cannot be angry when 7 other players are waiting on you, this is not a malicious tag so again, please pick relevant circumstances.

      In the future if you feel you are being bullied or harassed, please provide context so we can deal with the perpetrators correctly. Both you and Hyo have made mistakes here but his was in reaction to you making a mountain out of a molehill which was really something small. We are here to help EVERYONE, and if you can remember that and treat admins with respect and courteousness then I would expect to see it returned.

      Complaint is recorded, but I see no other action necessary here.


      in reply to: Vouch request #15703

        Have known this player for a while. Played in games together and is vouched for by many current FBG members. Looking forward to having you in games with us Chubby! Good luck and enjoy your time.

        Accepted for trial.


        in reply to: FBG 1v1 ARSH Tournament #2 #15403

          Player: Fantom
          Realm: NA

          in reply to: Early unban for Kys #15143

            Make sure if you get a fatal to screenshot it for future reference, as we view those as less user error and more a warcraft 3 issue since it’s pretty unavoidable. And while unrelated to this instance I tell everyone who has disconnect issues to make sure to use a wired connection and update the background/in-game FPS settings. If you need help with that let us know and we can assist you.

            Ban appeal accepted.


            in reply to: TazR Appeal #14890

              Okay, I recommend using the ethernet cable whenever possible. Sadly BNet is barely stable and this gives best chance of maintaining connections.

              Ban appeal accepted, however if you do drop in the next 24 hours the ban will be reinstated.


              in reply to: FBG Invitational Tournament #6 #14214

                Game Modes and Rules are as follows:

                Game Mode – CM

                Bans/Rules – As follows:
                * 2 minute pause allowed beginning of game (5 minutes total per team)
                * Any disconnect after the first minute must result in the game continuing (Only exception is up to captain agreement or admin discretion)
                * Any use of ghosting via voice chat, account sharing, direct messaging, stream sniping, etc. is subject to voiding the team of any prizes and participation in the tournament, as well as penalties extending into next season
                * Any excessive flaming or racist behavior can result in a player being substituted with an alternate, or in extreme circumstances, removal of a team from the tournament.
                * Any account sharing or smurfing of an account can result in instant suspension of a team and forfeiture of their entry fee

                in reply to: Ban/Unvouch Nikolasik #13978

                  Your entire tone on this ban request is that if anyone disagrees they are incompetent or wrong and it’s truly disappointing. Having said that I told you I would take the time to review this personally and I have. Review follows below:

                  To start with, you proudly tell your team you will play any hero, and say this twice and for teammates to pick last, yet when you are asked to play puck upon completion of the draft you say no and you thought antbug would be playing it… not a great start.

                  Now for the timestamp references.

                  :14 – Niko does in fact stun early, but watching from his fog of war, it’s moderately fair to assume there were others on the cliff. Sure, waiting would always work too, but sometimes a pre-emptive fissure can scare people off. Either way, the fissure succeeded in backing the team off and your team secured rune. Tusk and SK did go on puck, who would be able to easily get away. But dazzle runs in and feeds first blood, not Niko I should add.

                  :46 – Not much to say here, sure he could have gone more aggro, but short of people being on voice chat to coordinate these things, it happens frequently. Usually better for supports to stay in position rather than aggro it unless the carry suggests it, which I see no proof of in the replay of you telling him to go.

                  1:00 – Yes, Niko does dive past tower to get phoenix… Yet you conveniently leave out the fact he does a fissure that stuns both SK and phoenix in a very well done stun right before this. I understand his efforts to go after phoenix, he was 1 hit away and did have boots while phoenix did not. The risk did not pay off, but again its funny you ignore the very good play he makes here that got your lane a kill, and 1 hit away from a double.

                  3:20 – Niko waits too long to use clarity, but his mana was very close to being enough for both fissure + enchant totem, I assume he was waiting to use both of those which would have only taken a few more seconds, and THEN clarity. But I can’t be sure. He did get caught, but very nearly got away. Have to point out Dazzle skilling touch instead of grave at lvl 2 would also have remedied this, but again… we only single out Niko despite this being dazzle’s second game changing feed/play. But yes, not a good play by ES, but very unlucky, he was a half second away from escaping this kill and was greedy.

                  5:00 – Bad stun, Niko went for an aggressive fissure to try and stun, but instead ended up separating you from team instead of just focusing on blocking them off which is the safer play. After this, your team probably should have just retreated, but you instead still dive even knowing your team can not get there. Dark seer follows, you survive with little hp due to grave and he dies as well as rotating puck and dazzle. Bad play, but only compounded by the moves following it by the team. To call this a “game ruining” play is short-sighted and removes all blame from teammates who all made mistakes there. It was obvious they were going to rotate and/or regroup after that missed fissure, better to cut your losses.

                  7:24 – This sequence involved NA hunting him the entire time waiting to attack. He gets hit in river, and yes fissure missed. But probably from the previous incident he did not want to separate team, and instead re-directed NA further away from tower. It ended up still being a kill. Also when their team rotates to try and fight, Niko sacrifices himself for stun so you can escape. I think this is important to note as you seem to believe Niko is intentionally griefing or to fuck you over. This is not a play that someone who is “intentionally” griefing would do to save a teammate.

                  15:00 – He tps top to help you as enemy was around, and the way game had been going they had been ganking a lot. Dazzle was also nearby helping to ward. You go to heal, so of course he soaks up the XP…. He wouldn’t be able to TP anywhere else as it was on cd, and there was no one else in sight, with dazzle in range who left and didnt grave him. You should know this as a support, when you can leech XP with no one around you 100% should, and especially in a brutal game like this supports were hurting for gold. Unfortunate play, but nothing to really say here other than that.

                  17:30 – This is the only play I can’t really explain. Niko knew there was a ward in sight, and pugna caught him off guard which was reasonable since he came from fog. He escapes, but for some reason goes back to try and fissure, and gets caught. He knows already they have vision of that area since there was a fight bot and no one would be able to de-ward it, so I can’t understand his train of thought there. Then again you almost fed the exact same way racing in to pugna and escaping with under 50hp and having to wand. But yes, I can’t explain this one, would have to ask Niko. Either way, not a smart play by him and a feed.

                  19:00 – He was low hp from lane and had to run back to fountain, wasn’t able to be in the fight and would have had little impact anyways since they got the jump on puck and he died instantly. Really not much to say on this instance.

                  In summary, I see some poor play by Niko. But I also see a lot of decent plays that were made in the scope of a game that got ugly fast, and with more than just Niko to blame. It is obvious you’re singling him out for some reason while ignoring your own mistakes, and especially dazzle’s early that were very costly. Feeding first blood and poison touch for no real reason had more impact than any early fissure.

                  I would like to quote you from one of your earlier forum posts, when you said: “how long are you gonna ignore the fact thats its impossible to focus when ______ is blaming and crying constantly even during fights?” I point this out because you were flaming Niko from the first few minutes, constantly berating him and having a negative attitude. This OF COURSE affects players and their mentality, as you can attest to. You also kept urging your team to -gg, spamming it multiple times in different instances and being combative when an admin told you to stop doing so.

                  I saw nothing in this replay to prove griefing or ruining, as this game was a disaster from start to finish from your team. Niko also made some selfless plays to sacrifice for you (the carry), as he should. This alone should prove he has no malicious intent toward you, and I wish for you to move forward without carrying a grudge. It is unhealthy in a league like this.

                  Lastly, first you say Niko continuously ruins games and shouldn’t be allowed to do so, and you were able to play your games with everyone else without issue. Yet the very same is true for Niko. You are the first one to complain or believe he is intentionally ruining games, and his game logs prior and after this instance all went well, so that leads credence to the belief that it was simply a bad game and not a trend of “ruining” games or intentionally griefing anyone. No one has ever had an issue with his personality and to be honest I commend him on not speaking back more. The few comments he did utter back were more than provoked by you, and although i wish he did not say them at all, I can hardly blame him.

                  I will not be issuing a ban as there was no proof of griefing or ruining, it was a complete dumpster fire of a game and other than one dumb play, I see logic or at least the attempt of teamplay. I believe your constant belittling made him gunshy to do risky fissures, and as such did very safe ones that were far away and would not split. Not excusing it, as he should strive to be better but that’s my view. He was also far from the only offender. I would also say he should carry more clarities or at least a mango for early lane stages, but this was not the game changing experience as much as a lost tri lane in my opinion. When most fights occurred early he had the mana to make the plays and tried his best.

                  I am closing this request and in the future I would hope we can work on being more positive in games rather than trying to tear one down. We are here for fun and for competitive experiences but we are all peers, and Niko is a valued member of FBG who has shown improvement during his time here.

                  Ban request/unvouch denied.

                  • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Fantom.
                  • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Fantom.
                  • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Fantom.
                  • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Fantom.
                  • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Fantom.
                  in reply to: FBG Invitational Tournament #5 #13289

                    Team Name: The Expendables 3.0

                    Fantom (C) – NA
                    Tricked – EU
                    Carlo_Rossi – NA
                    PinkUnicorny – EU
                    EternalFame – EU

                    Nikolasik – EU
                    Jaguar – NA

                    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Fantom.
                    in reply to: Kobe flame #13066

                      After reviewing the game we did not see any egregious game ruining plays by Kobe. Having said that, his chatlog was less than acceptable. This is his first offense of flame/toxicity so he will get a recorded warning. Any other offenses like this are bannable.

                      Sorry you had to deal with this toxicity and thank you for reporting. It is on record now he has been warned and any future offenses will result in a ban.

                      Ban appeal accepted for flame, warning given.


                      in reply to: ban appeal plz #12879

                        Please test your bindings before game if this is a recurring issue. Players will understandably be upset if you are not playing according to expectations and worst case just manually click it in the future please.

                        Reducing your ban slightly for what seems to be an honest mistake, but please make precautions to not let this happen again in the future!

                        Ban appeal accepted.


                        in reply to: Unban request #12564

                          Again, I don’t care how you feel about our rules, only that you abide by them. And you don’t have to like DC, or even talk to him. But you do have to listen if he’s telling you to do something that breaks our rules.

                          If we have another incident like this moving forward there is a very small chance we will accept an appeal, so please do your best to focus on game and not hold personal grudges as it will only end in poor games and fractured teamplay.

                          Ban appeal accepted, will reduce from 48 -> 24.


                          in reply to: Unban request #12558

                            Teshin please read what I’m about to tell you carefully, because I am genuinely trying to help you. First off, you are in no place to tell any of us what we can or can’t do, or justify a ban. You were literally just getting off a flaming ban, and within days you’re offending again. Bringing up your personal beef or feelings with DC is also irrelevant. Nothing he did or said was unprofessional or unreasonable, and yet you refused to stop the all chat after three multiple warnings.

                            You are new to this league, but trust me when I say DC has been a big help and respected member of FBG. When you are writing these appeals, the main focus is that we want players to acknowledge what they did wrong and improve their behavior moving forward. The reason for the length of your ban, is you are repeatedly being toxic, inciting teammates, and now refusing to listen to admins. You don’t have to like DC, but when he is asking you to do something that is a rule for the league, to refuse so is an easy ban.

                            If you can focus solely on what you are doing wrong here, and how you will improve it moving forward then we can legitimately look into approving this ban appeal. But at the moment, all you are doing is deflecting the issue and trying to change topics by saying “Dc isn’t fit to be admin”, “I was just laughing and it was funny”, and accusing us of doing witch-hunts on you. Every single admin here is a volunteer, and we don’t enjoy banning anyone contrary to what you may believe, and we enjoy even less having to deal with people who waste our time with senseless appeals.

                            I am going to give you one chance to reply here a second time, and improve your view on the matter and hopefully we can move forward from there. All we want to do here is play good DotA games without a toxic atmosphere, and while shadow was laughably bad… He was mostly introspective blame and he received his own punishment.

                            (For a reference, here was Shadow’s appeal, and you can see the difference in tone. I do not expect you to copy this, but so you realize part of what we are looking for.

                            in reply to: Unban appeal (shadow) #12557

                              Playing a shit game does not excuse behavior… and like I told you in DMs. Jokes about suiciding, hanging yourself, etc. are not funny. And if they’re not intended as jokes, then you really, seriously need to consider quitting dota if it makes you have those kind of reactions.

                              Having said that, taking responsibility is a big step and seeing you take the blame for your own actions is a step in the right direction. One thing I will say, I really dislike your antagonistic behavior at the beginning toward Rice for picking you, a la when you didn’t get picked on Brando’s team and threw a tantrum. I do not want to see that shit anymore, or I will not be so lenient.

                              Please stop getting so worked up in these games and focus on trying your best, nothing more nothing less and things will work out. Ban appeal accepted, and reduced to 24 hours from 48.


                              in reply to: unban me #12547

                                Player does not have history of leaving games and was not done with malicious intent.

                                Ending ban a few hours early.

                                Ban appeal accepted, processing.

                                in reply to: FBG Dota Trial/Buddy System #12466

                                  If interested in helping, please post below in the following format.

                                  Player Name
                                  Experience in FBG (Either years if applicable, or months)

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