Balance changes 6.86

First Blood Gaming Forums Leagues Defense of the Ancients Polls/Voting Balance changes 6.86

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  • #6862

      skywrath mage
      -arcane bolt:
      with aghanim’s scepter, whenever arcane bolt is cast, a different random target within the search radius is also targeted by a second arcane bolt.
      if no other valid targets are found within the search radius, second arcane bolt is not cast.
      the search radius is centered around the primary target, not around skywrath mage.
      -concussive shot:
      when no visible heroes are nearby, the spell targets the closest creep instead.
      with aghanim’s scepter, whenever concussive shot is cast, a different random target within the search radius is also targeted by a second concussive shot.
      if no other valid targets are found within the search radius, second concussive shot is not cast.
      the search radius is centered around the primary target, not around skywrath mage.
      -ancient seal:
      with aghanim’s scepter, whenever ancient seal is cast, a different random target within the search radius is also targeted.
      if no other valid targets are found within the search radius, second ancient seal is not cast.
      the search radius is centered around the primary target, not around skywrath mage.
      -mystic flare:
      skywrath mage’s aghanim’s scepter upgrade does not require mystic flare to be learned. it works for each of his abilities individually.
      with aghanim’s scepter, casting mystic flare automatically casts a second mystic flare centered on a random enemy within the search radius but outside the 170 effect radius.
      if no other valid targets are found within the search radius, second mystic flare is not cast.
      the search radius is centered around the primary target, not around skywrath mage.



        D E B U F F D I S P H E N I X P L E A S E, T H A N X

        D E B U F F D I S P H E N I X, P L E A S E T H A N X

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